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单词 as
as/ æz, əz/ prep, adv & conj

prep(1)像,如……一样(like;so as to appear to be):dress/disguise sb~an officer把某人打扮/伪装成军官;die~a hero像英雄一样死去;talk~an old friend如老朋友一样谈话;rise~one man一个人一样站立起来;unite~one family团结如一家人;
 (2)作为,当作,以……的身份(in the statecharacterfunctionconditionjobetc of being):work/serve/act~a lawyer当/当/充当律师;speak~a spokesman以发言人身份谈话;be famous/known~an eloquent orator作为雄辩的演说家而著名/闻名;a job/post~a manager 经理的工作/职位;treat/regard/accept/look on sb~a friend把某人当朋友对待/视为朋友/看作朋友/视为朋友;describe sth~a victory把……描绘成胜利;take/use sth~an example把……当作/用作例子;regard/think of sb~(being)happy认为/觉得某人幸福;look upon sth~very advanced把……视为非常先进;see sth~changing把……看作是不断变化的;
 (3)作为,由于是(since sb is sth):A~a doctor/a scientist/her son/his secretary,I should... 作为大夫/科学家/她的儿子/他的秘书,我应该……
 (4)作为,当……的时候(when or while sb is sth):A~a child/a school girl/a young woman,she showed every sign of genius.她年幼/是中学生/年轻的时候,充分显示出了天才的迹象。I used to eat a lot~a child but~an adult I eat little.我小时候吃得很多,可成人后吃得很少。
 (5)以……的形式(in the form of):A loaf goes into the oven~dough.面包放进烤炉时是面团。We all start life~babies.我们来到世上时都是婴儿。
 adv(1)和(像)……一样(to the same degree or;equally...with)(用于adjadv前,构成表示比较的 结构):1)(第二个as为连词):run (twice/half/just/nearly)~fast as possible/as one can/as sb does/as one wants to 跑得尽可能/尽可能/和某人/与其愿望(的两倍/一半/正好/差不多)那么快;be(seem to be/look)(twice/...)~clever as one sounded on the phone/as one looks in the film/as before(似乎/显得)像电话里的声音所显得的/电影里的样子/从前(两倍/……)那样机灵;be~good an actress as one is a singer演技和唱歌水平一样好;be~eloquent a speaker as one's father is是一个和其父一样雄辩的演说家;need(get)(twice/...)~much money as one expected/as possible 需要(弄到)所希望/可能的(两倍/……)那么多的钱;catch (twice/...)~many(much) as one wants/as one can抓到想要/所能抓的(两倍/……)那么多;2)(第二个as为介词):work(twice/...)~hard as they (or them)/as the other people干得有他们/别人(两倍/……)那么努力;walk(twice/...)~far as that走得有那(两倍/……)那么远;be(seem to be/look)(twice/...)~beautiful as that/as she(or her)/as one's sister(似乎/显得)如那样/她/其妹妹(两倍/……)那么漂亮;~brave as a lion/heavy as lead/loud as thunder/silent as the grave 雄狮般勇敢/铅一般重/如雷灌耳/死一般寂静;3)(第二个as引导的部分可省略):Jack swims fast,but I swim just~fast.杰克游得很快,我也游得同样快。You have qualities that are just~important.你具有一些同样很重要的品质。She has a lot of money,but he has/hasn't~much.她有许多钱,他也有/没有那么多的钱。
 (2)如同,像(not differently from;like):A~before he remained unmoved. 一如既往,他一动不动。The “b” is silent~in “climb”.这个b如同在climb中一样不发音。
 (3)例如(for example;such as;like):Some flowers,~the rose,require special care.有些花,例如玫瑰,需要倍加精心。
 conj (1)当……的时候(at the time that;while):A~he walked/was walking along he met an old friend.他正走着的时候,突然遇见了一个朋友。I watched her~she combed her hair.她梳头时,我注视着她。She closed her eyes~she uttered the words.她说这话时闭上了眼睛。
 (2)因为,由于,既然(because;since;for the reason that)(通常位于句首,语义不如because 和since强):A~he was obviously ill,we called the doctor.由于他显然是病了,我们就叫了大夫。A~you are tired,you had better rest.既然你累了,就最好休息一下。He couldn't come~he had another appointment.他来不了啦,因为他另有约会。
 (3)虽然,尽管(although;regardless of the degree to which)(置于句首的形容词或副词之后):Rich~(或though) he is,he is not happy.尽管他有钱,但并不幸福。Much~(或though) I want to,I cannot go.虽然我很想去,却去不了。Try~you will,you won't manage it.无论你怎么努力,你也对付不了。
 (4)按(依)照;像,如(in the same way or manner in which):Do~I say/I told you to/you are told/I do.照我说的/我告诉你的/告诉你的/我这样做。He doesn't speak/think/work~other people do.他说话/考虑问题/工作和别人不一样。Leave the room~it is.让房间保持原来的样子。
 (5)(引导关系从句)1)(用于same...as句式中):I got the same grade~(或that)you (got).我得了和你一样的分数。We drove out by the same road~we had entered by.我们的车从来时走的那条路开了出去。My stand on this is just the same~it was before/four years ago.我在这件事情上的立场和以前/四年前的一样。2)(用于such...as句式中):Such women~knew Tom thought he was charming.认识汤姆的女人都认为他有魅力。He is not such a fool~he looks.他并不像看上去那么傻。I never heard such stories~he tells.我从未听过他讲的那种故事。3)也是,同样(and so too)(通常后接be或do+主语):David is tall,~are my brothers.大卫个子高,我的几个兄弟也个子高。Mary is old,~is her husband.玛丽老了,她丈夫也老了。Jack is a teacher,~was his wife before she had children.杰克是教师,他妻子有孩子以前也是教师。
 (6)按照……(in accordance with what):Norway,~described in this advertisement,seems to be a wonderful place for a holiday.根据这则广告所描述,挪威似乎是个度假的好地方。Cyprus,~we all know,is an island in the Mediterranean.塞浦路斯,众所周知,是地中海的一个岛屿。He is a teacher,~is clear from his manner.从他的举止可以清楚看出,他是教师。
 (7)犹如,如同(what;in the way that)(表示比例或关系):2 is to 8~4 is to 16.2比8就如同4比16。A~some are rich,(so) others are poor. 既有富人,就有穷人。
 as against 而 …… 则……(表示对比):The money earned this week amounts to £100~against £80 last week.本周赚了100英镑,而上周则是80英镑。
 as for 至于:A~for going back,that is quite out of the question.至于回去,那是根本不可能的。
 as from,(esp AmE) as of 自(某日)起:A~from/of today you are in charge.从今天起你负责。
 as it is 事实上:I would have liked to have finished by May,but~it is, that is impossible.我本想5月前完成的,实际上那是不可能了。
 as it were 可以说:He is,~it were,a walking dictionary.他可以说是一本活字典。
 as to/regards 至于:A~to(doing)that,I haven't decided yet.至于做那件事,我还没有决定。He said nothing~regards whether he would come back.至于是否回来,他什么也没说。
 as yet 至今尚未:The danger was~yet not serious.危险还不严重。
 as if /though 似乎,好像:You look~if/though you had seen a ghost.你的样子就好像见了鬼一样。He talks~if/though he knew everything.他说话的神气就好像他什么都知道似的。He raised his hand~if to command silence.他举起一只手好像要命令大家安静下来。
 【用法】adv(1)的用法(多为肯定式;也可以为否定式,不过,有人坚持认为此时副词(第一个)as应改为so为好,如(注意not的位置):He won't leave as/so soon as she will/as she (or her).(他不会像她那么快离开的。)It's not nearly as/so cold as it was yesterday/that.(今天不大像昨天/那样那么冷。)
 【辨异】 1)aslike2 都可用作介词,但此时as的本义为 in the role of(以……的身份),如:die as a hero(死得是个英雄——就是英雄);like则意为“像”,如:die like a hero(死得像个英雄——指表现像英雄);as还可用作连词(后接从句或介词短语);而like 则不可(其后仅可接名词短语),如:die as a hero does(像英雄那样(英勇)就义),又如:Do it like me/Do it as I (do).(像我一样做。)但是,在非正式英语中,like也可用作连词,代替as(以及as if)(不过这种用法一般认为应避免),如:It happened as/like you said it would.(事情正如你所说的那样发生了。)He acted as if /like he was afraid to go home.(他那样子就好像他害怕回家似的。)2)asbecausesincefor都表示原因。because表示直接的原因,语气最强,可用来回答 why 的问题(其他几个皆不可),如:I was sleeping because I was tired. as和since则表示附带的原因,经常置于句首,如:As/Since I was tired,I was sleeping.for较as和since正式,表示一个事后想起的原因,对前一句所陈述的事实进行补充说明,与前一句为并列关系,如:I was sleeping,for I was tired.





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