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单词 大大方方

大大方方dà da fāng fāng

boldly; generous (ly)
❍ 有了自己的车,每天先不用为车租着急,他自然可以~的,不再因抢生意而得罪人。(老舍《骆驼祥子》40) He would not have to worry then every day about the rent of his rickshaw,but could afford to be generous and not offend others by taking their fares.
❍ 他们两个人刚才在楼上谈了一阵,江菊霞觉得既然有人发现,就干脆~走下去找他们,显得没有什么,也可以表示并不在乎。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—433) They had just been talking about the way they had been overheard upstairs,and Jiang Juxia’s attitude had been that since they had been discovered the best thing they could do would be to march boldly downstairs and see who it was just to show that there was nothing in it and that they did not care.





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