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单词 大吃一惊

大吃一惊dà chī yī jīng

be amazed (/astounded/shocked);be beside oneself with astonishment; be filled with amazement; be given quite a turn; be greatly startled (/surprised); be quite taken aback;be swept off one’s feet; be struck with thunder;flabbergasted; gasp in surprise
❍ 他~,朝后一退,把椅子也绊倒了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》272) Amazement spread over his features,he jumped to his feet,and his chair overturned with a crash.
❍ 这小冤家万没想到我会找到这里来,他一见我,~。(陶承《我的一家》13)My arrival was unheralded and unexpected. The little rogue was almost speechless with astonishment.
❍ 方宇~,他圆睁着两只眼睛,望着杨部长: …… (周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—514) Fang Yu was swept off his feet by this and gazed wide-eyed at Yang Jian.
❍ 她的话还没讲完,脚上忽然有水了,连忙回过头去一看,~。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—78) Before she could finish what she was saying she suddenly felt water on her foot,she quickly looked round and gasped in surprise./“谁?”徐义德~,他自然而然地松了手,两只发愣的眼睛对着客房的半掩着的门。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—428)“Who is it?” Xu Yide was greatly startled and as he let go of Jiang Juxia his widening eyes turned towards the halfclosed door.
❍ 李江国仿佛~,一把拦住马全有,……(杜鹏程《保卫延安》82) Li Jiangguo clutched Ma Quanyou in mock alarm./“会有这样的事吗?”余静~,圆睁着两只眼睛。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—407)“Is such a thing really possible?” Yu Jing was quite taken aback and her eyes were round with amazement.

大吃一惊dà chī yī jīnɡ

形容十分惊讶。be astonished at, be taken aback, take sb.’s breath away, flabbergasted, jump out of one’s skin





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