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单词 大势已去

大势已去dà shì yǐ qù

be sunk and finished; it is all up with sb; not much can be done about it now;one’s day has gone; the battle is lost; the game is as good as lost; the situation is hopeless
❍ 我看,反动派~,我们马上就要自由了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》294)It looks as though the reactionaries are collapsing.We’ll be free any moment now.
❍ 眼看大事已去,奈何,奈何。(孔尚任《桃花扇·移防》266) The skies are falling upon us,what shall we do?/——咳咳! ——我们~呀! (茅盾《子夜》568) Well,I’ll be damned! …We’re sunk,then! Finished!/她觉得心脏一停,接着便突突地乱跳,似乎~,局面都变了;……(《鲁迅选集》上—165)Her heart,which had missed a beat,suddenly started pounding. The battle was lost,the tables were turned it seemed.
❍ 较量了,他们失败了,他们才懂得他们的~,没有希望了。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—461) Once beaten in a trial of strength,they will realize that the game is up,and their position is hopeless.


the game is as good as lost; The game is up; not much can be done about it now

大势已去dà shì yǐ qù

义同“大势去矣”。same as“大势去矣”。





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更新时间:2025/3/4 2:25:14