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❶ (体积、面积等大) big;large:~ 城市 a big city;~ 厦 a large building
❷ (强度大) strong (wind,etc.);heavy (rain,etc.);loud:~ 风 a strong wind;~ 雨 a heavy rain;
声音太 ~ too loud
❸ (伟大的;重要的) great;important:~ 救星 the great liberator;~ 人物 important person;great personage
❹ (主要的;大规模的) general;main;major:~ 反攻 general counter ̄ offensive;~ 路 main road;highway;~ 手术 major operation;~ 问题 major issue;big problem
❺ (尺寸大小) size:像豆粒一样 ~ the size of a bean;as big as a bean;
那件衣服我穿太 ~。 The coat is too large for me. 你穿多 ~ 的鞋? What size shoes do you wear? 这间屋子有那间两个 ~。 This room is twice the size of that one.
❻ (年龄大小) age:论年纪,我比他 ~。 In respect of age,I am his senior. 你的孩子多 ~ 了? How old is your child? 他比我 ~ 3岁。 He is three years senior to me.
❼ (排行第一)eldest:~ 房 senior branch of a family;~ 哥 eldest brother
❽ (敬辞,称与对方有关的事物) your:~ 札 your letter;~ 作 your writing;
尊姓 ~ 名? May I know your name?
❾ (用在时令或节日前,表示强调):~ 白天 in broad daylight;~ 年初一 first day of the lunar year;~ 清早 early in the morning Ⅱ ❶ (表示程度深) greatly;fully:~ 吃一惊 be greatly surprised;be quite taken aback;~ 好河山 beautiful rivers and mountains of a country;~ 献殷勤 do one's utmost to please and woo
❷ (用在“不”后,表示程度浅或次数少) not very;not often:不 ~ 好 not very good;
不 ~ 清楚 not too clear;
他不 ~ 看电影。 He seldom goes to cinema. 他最近不 ~ 来。 He hasn't been coming around much recently. Ⅲ ❶ (年纪大的人) adult;grown-up:一家 ~ 小 the whole family;
全家 ~ 小5口。 There are five people in the family altogether.
❷ [方] (父亲) father:俺 ~ 是个农民。 My father is a peasant.
❸ [方] (伯父或叔父) father's brother;uncle
❹ (姓氏) a surname:~ 明 Da Ming
另见 see also dài;tài。
◆大白 (完全清楚) come out;become known;[方] (白垩) chalk;whiting;
大白菜 Chinese cabbage;
大白天[日] (白天) day;
大伯子 husband's elder brother;brother- in-law;
大败 (打败) defeat utterly;put to rout;(被打败) suffer a crushing defeat;
大班 (幼儿园的)the top class in a kindergarten;[方] (洋行经理) manager of a foreign firm;(舞厅领班) captain (of taxi dancers);
大板车 large handcart;
大阪 Osaka (a city in Japan);
大半 (过半数) more than half;greater part;for the most part;best part of;most;(较大可能性) very likely;most probably;
大办 go in for sth. in a big way;
大棒 big stick;means of intimidation;
大本营 {军} (最高统帅部) supreme [general] headquarters;(登山营地) base camp;nerve centre;(堡垒;要塞) stronghold;
大笔 (大的笔) pen;[敬] (称别人的书法或文章) your writing;your handwriting;
大笔如椽 a big pen as large as a beam;
大便 (拉屎) defecate;relieve the bowels;have a bowel movement;shit;(屎) stool;human excrement;shit;faeces;
大辩论 great or mass debate;
大兵 [旧] common soldier;
大兵团 large troop formation;
大饼 a kind of large flatbread;pancake;big breadcake;
大病 serious illness;
大伯 (伯父) father's elder brother;uncle;(尊称年长的男人) uncle;
大脖子病 (家畜甲状腺肿) big neck;(甲状腺肿大) goitre;goiter;
大不列颠(岛) Great Britain;
大步流星 with vigorous strides;at a stride;
大部 greater part;force;
大不了 (至多) at the worst;if the worst comes to the worst;(了不得,多用于否定式) alarming;serious;
大材 a great talent;
大材小用 put fine timber to petty use;a large material for petty use;cut blocks with razor;employ a steam-engine to crack a nut;great genius in little employment;great talent employed in a small capacity;men of great talents employed in a small sphere;not equal to one's abilities;shoot sparrows with artillery;talented people for trivial tasks;waste one's talent on a petty job;
大菜 (主菜) main course;(西餐) Western meal;meal in Western style;
大肠 {生理} large intestine;intestinum crassum;
大潮 flood tide;syzygial tide;spring tide;
大车 (牲口拉的货车) cart;dray;(火车司机) engine driver;(轮船上主要管机器的人) chief engineer (of a ship);
大车店 inn for carters;
大臣 minister (of a monarchy);secretary;
大城市 metropolis;large city;
大成 (大的成就) great achievement;(姓氏) a surname;
大乘 (大乘佛教) Mahayana;Great Vehicle;
大吃大喝 eat and drink to one's heart's content;be spendthrift in feasting;eat and drink extravagantly;eat and drink with enthusiasm;extravagantly wine and dine;fancy eating and drinking;indulge in extravagant eating and drinking;make a pig of oneself;on the spree;pitch into a dinner;regale oneself on choice food;
大吃一惊 be startled at;be astounded at;be given quite a turn;be greatly surprised;be knocked into the middle of next week;be struck all of a heap;be taken aback;be taken completely by surprise at...;get a shock;have [get] a fright;jump out of one's skin;
大错特错 make a big mistake;make a gross error;off base;wide of the mark;
大打出手 strike violently;get into a free-for-all fight;attack brutally;come to blows;
大大 greatly;enormously;
大大咧咧 [方] (of a person) careless;casual;
大大落落 [方] natural and poised;
大胆 bold;daring;audacious;
大刀 broadsword;
大刀阔斧 make snap [bold] decisions;bold and resolute;boldly and resolutely;cut the Gordian knot;deal with a matter summarily without regard to details;drastic;handle without gloves [mittens];put the ax(e) in the helve;solve a problem unencumbered by minor details;
大道 main road;avenue;
大道理 major principle;general principle;great truth;
大灯 headlight;headlamp;
大敌 formidable enemy;archenemy;
大敌当前 be confronted with [by] a formidable enemy;A formidable enemy stands before...;be faced with a formidable foe;face a formidable enemy;faced with powerful enemies;in the face of archenemies;with a formidable enemy right in front;with dangerous enemy ahead;
大抵 generally speaking;in the main;on the whole;
大地 ground;earth;the earth;mother earth;the world;
大典 grand ceremony;
大殿 (封建王朝举行庆典、 接见大臣或使臣等的殿) audience hall;(寺庙中供奉主要神佛的殿) main hall of a Buddhist temple;
大调 {音} major;
大动干戈 go to war;get into a fight;
大动肝火 fly [get] into a rage; go into one's tantrums;
大动脉 {生理} (主动脉) main artery;aorta;(比喻主要交通干线) the artery of communications;
大豆 {植} soybean;
大都 for the most part;mostly;{穴位} Dadu (SP2);大都市 bigalopolis;large city;metropolis;
大肚子 [口] (指怀孕) pregnant;[口] (指饭量大的人) big eater;[方] (对人的憎称) potbelly;
大度 [书] magnanimous;
大度包容 regard with kindly tolerance;be magnanimous and tolerant;be magnanimous;
大端 [书] main aspects;main features;salient points;
大队 {军} (队伍编制,由若干中队组成) military unit corresponding to the battalion or regiment;group;(农村的一级生产组织) production brigade (of a rural people's commune);(人数众多) a large body of;
大多 for the most part;mostly;
大多数 great majority;the bulk;vast majority;
大而化之 do things carelessly;in a careless way;wanting in care;with little care and caution in doing work;
大而无当 large but impractical;big but useless;unwieldy;
大发雷霆 be furious;bawl at sb. angrily;become very angry;be excited with anger;be in a blaze of passion;be wildly excited;blow one's top (at sb.);break into a furious rage;fall into a violent passion;flip one's lid [wig];fly [go] into a rage;fly into a tremendous passion;have a fit;on the warpath;open [pour out] the floodgate of wrath;pour out the vials of one's wrath on ...;raise the roof;show a great deal of temper;show one's teeth;throw a fit;thunder against ...;
大法 (国家的根本法;宪法) fundamental law;constitution of a nation;charter;(姓氏) a surname;
大凡 generally;in most cases;
大方 (专家学者;内行人) expert;scholar;{中医} heavy [potent] prescription;
大方向 general orientation;
大放厥词 talk a lot of nonsense;engage in wild talk;loosen one's tongue;spout a stream of empty rhetoric;talk drivel;talk wildly;
大方 (不吝啬) generous;liberal;(不拘束) natural and poised;easy;unaffected;(不俗气) in good taste;tasteful;
大分子 {化} macromolecule;
大粪 human excrement;night soil;
大风 {气} (8级风) fresh gale;(风力很大的风) gale;high wind;strong wind;
大风大浪 strong wind and big waves;great [violent] storms;violent storms and waves;wind and waves;
大风子 {植} Hydnocarpus anthelmintica;chaulmoogra;
大夫 (古代官职) a senior official in feudal China;(姓氏) a surname;
大副 first [chief] mate;mate;chief officer;
大腹贾 potbellied merchant;rich merchant;
大腹皮 {中药} the shell of areca nut;pericarpium arecae;
大腹便便 potbellied;big-bellied;barrel-bellied;paunchy;
大概 (大致内容或情况) general idea;broad outline;(大约) general;rough;approximate;(可能) probably;most likely;presumably;
大盖帽 big lip cap;
大干 work energetically;go all out;make an all-out effort;
大干快上 go all out and go fast;aim high and go all out;get going and go all out;
大纲 outline;compendium;syllabus;rough;
大哥 (最年长的哥) eldest brother;(尊称年纪相仿的男子) elder brother;
大哥大 (无线移动电话) cellular telephone;mobile telephone;take-along telephone;
大革命 (大规模革命) great revolution;(特指中国第一次国内革命战争) the Great Rovolution in China (1924—1927);大功 great merit;extraordinary service;
大功告成 (of a project,work,etc.) be accomplished;be crowned with success;be brought to successful completion;ring the bell;end in a satisfactory way;finish nicely;The task is accomplished.;The great task has been completed.;One's purpose has been achieved.;the achievement of a great meritorious service;have achieved a great success;
大功率 {电} high-power;superpower;
大公 grand duke;
大公无私 selfless;unselfish;perfectly impartial;no personal [selfish] consideration;give no thought to self;just and unselfish;Great impartiality excludes consideration of self.;disinterestedness and unselfishness;
大姑娘 (未嫁的青年女子) unmarried young woman;(长女) eldest daughter;(大小姐) first young lady;
大姑子 husband's elder sister;sister-in-law;
大鼓 {音} bass drum;(曲艺的一种) dagu (versified story sung to the accompaniment of a small drum and other instruments);
大骨节病 Kaschin-Beck disease;osteoarthritis deformans;
大褂 unlined long gown;
大官 (职位高的官) high-ranking official;(古时对有一定社会地位男子的尊称) sir;
大观 grand sight;magnificent spectacle;
大观园 showplace;
大管 {音} bassoon;
大规模 large-scale;extensive;massive;mass;
大规模集成电路 large scale integrated circuit;
大闺女 (未婚女青年) unmarried young woman;(长女) eldest daughter;
大锅 cauldron; 大锅饭 food prepared in a large canteen cauldron;“the big rice bowl” system;“big-pot” system;“big-pot” distribution system;mess;
大国 power;leading powers;great power;
大过 serious offense [mistake];大海 sea;ocean;blue water;[俚] briny;
大海捞针 dredge for a needle in the sea;fish a needle out of the sea;fish for a needle in the ocean;locate a needle at the bottom of the sea;look for a needle in a haystack [bottle of hay;bundle of hay];look for a needle in the ocean;search for a pin on the ocean bed;
大寒 Great Cold (24th solar term);
大汉 big [hefty;burly] fellow; 大汉族主义 Han chauvinism; Great-Hanism; 大好 (很好) very good;excellent;beautiful;[方] (病完全好) (of illness) completely recovered;
大号 (大尺码的) large size;{音} tuba;bass horn;[敬] your (given) name;
大合唱 cantata;chorus;
大河 (大的河流) great river;(指黄河) the Huanghe River;the Yellow River;
大亨 big shot;bigwig;magnate;
大轰大嗡 make a terrific din;raise a hue and cry;
大红 bright red;scarlet;royal scarlet;
大后方 rear area;(抗日战争时期国民党统治下的西南、西北地区) the area under KMT rule during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression;
大后年 three years from now;
大后天 three days from now;
大户 (有钱人家) rich and influential family;(人口多的家族) big family;
大花脸 the “painted face”,a character type in Chinese operas;
大话 big talk;tall talk;boast;bragging;
大回环 {体} giant circle;giant;
大会 (社会团体、政党召开的会) plenary session;general membership meeting;(群众会) mass meeting;mass rally;
大伙儿 [口] we all;you all;everybody;
大火 (大的火) big fire;conflagration;{天} (天蝎座α) Antares (α Sco);
大惑不解 be not a little bewildered;be greatly [utterly;extremely] puzzled;be in a puzzle (about ...);be unable to make head or tail of sth.;be at a loss;
大祸 great misfortune;calamity;disaster;
大祸临头 be faced with imminent disaster;A great calamity is impending over sb.;A great misfortune has come.;Disaster is hanging over one.;Disaster is imminent.;
大吉大利 the most favorable auspices;good luck;big fortune and great profit;
大集 (大会聚) rally;(大的集市) fair;(敬称对方的文集) your great works;
大戟 (大戟科植物) Euphorbia pekinensis;(大戟根) {中药} root of Beijing euphorbia;
大蓟 {植} Circium japonicum;setose thistle;
大计 major program of lasting importance;matter of fundamental importance;
大家 (专家) great master;authority;(大伙)all;everybody;all the world and his wife;(高门贵族;大户人家) rich and influential family;
大家闺秀 girls from respectable [cultured] families;a young lady of a big,noble family;daughter of an eminent family;
大家庭 big family;community;
大驾 (古代帝王乘坐的一种车子) the carriage for a sovereign or emperor;(帝王) the Emperor;(对他人的尊称) your gracious presence;
大建 lunar month of 30 days;
大江 (大的河流) great river;(指长江) the Changjiang River;the Yangtze River;
大奖赛 great prix competition;grand prix;
大将 (最高一级将官) senior general;(高级军官) high-ranking officer;
大教堂 cathedral;
大街 avenue;street;main street;
大街小巷 high streets and back lanes;big streets and small alleys [lanes];the streets and alleyways;
大节 (节操) political integrity;(绳节) large knot;
大捷 great victory;
大姐 (最年长的姐) eldest sister;(对与自己年龄相仿的女人的尊称) elder sister;
大襟 the front of a Chinese garment which buttons on the right;
大惊失色 be frightened and change color;be greatly frightened;be [turn] pale with fear;be so terrified that one's face turns pale;change countenance for fear;get such a big scare that color goes out of one's face;turn pale with fright;
大惊小怪 get excited over a little thing;a tempest in a teapot;bark at the noon;be surprised at sth. perfectly normal;be alarmed at sth. perfectly normal;feel surprised;get alarmed about;get all stirred up over nothing;great alarm at a little bogey;make a fuss;make a fuss about nothing;make a great ado over (sth.);make a rare fuss over (sth.);make too much fuss;much cry and little wool;
大静脉 {生理} vena cava;
大净 Ghusl;
大舅子 [口] wife's elder brother;brother-in-law;
大局 overall situation;general situation [prospect];whole situation;
大举 carry out (a military operation) on a large scale;
大军 (主力部队) main forces;(huge) army;(人数众多) large contingent;
大卡 {物} kilocalorie;large calorie;great calorie;major calorie;
大楷 (手写大楷体汉字) regular script in big characters (as used in Chinese calligraphy exercises);(大写印刷体) block letters;blockwriting;
大看台 grandstand;
大考 end-of-term examination;final exam;
大科学观 outlook on mega-science;
大可不必 It is not at all worth it.;totally unnecessary;
大课 a lecture given to a large number of students;enlarged class;numerous class;
大口径 heavy calibre;
大跨径桥 long-span bridge;
大块头 tall and bulky fellow;hefty man;
大快人心 This cheers the people greatly.;affording general satisfaction;It gladdens the people's hearts.;It is a great satisfaction.;most gratifying to the people;This is really to the great joy of the people.;to the immense satisfaction of the people;to the satisfaction of the masses;
大牢 [口] prison;jail;
大老粗 uncouth fellow;uneducated person;rough and ready fellow;poor clod;rough hand;
大理石 marble;
大礼拜 fortnightly holiday;
大礼堂 hall;auditorium;assembly hall;
大丽花 {植} pompon;dahlia;
大力 energetically;vigorously;
大力士 man of unusual strength;
大殓 encoffining ceremony;
大梁 summer beam;girder summer;summer tree;cross-beam;longeron;side member;
大量 (数量多) a large number;a great quantity;(气量大;能容忍) generous;magnanimous;(量大) quantity;abundance;right smart;array;rout;ruck;ton;troop;mass;trunkful;lump;flock;stack;passel jorum;hecotomb;lashings;raft;load bushel;gob;
大料 [方] aniseed;
大龄 above the average age for marriage;
大楼 building;mansion;block;multi-storied building;
大路 highroad;
大路货 popular goods of dependable quality;[俚] bug juice;
大陆 (广大的陆地) continent;mainland;(姓氏) a surname;
大陆架 continental shelf;
大略 (大致内容或情况) summary;general idea;broad outline;(远大的谋略) great talent;bold strategy [vision];(大约) generally;roughly;approximately;
大妈 (伯母) father's elder brother's wife;aunt (尊称年长的妇人) aunt;
大麻 {植} Cannabis sativa;hemp;mariguana; marihuana; mariajuana;
大麻 [马]哈鱼 Oncorhynchus keta;dog salmon;salmon;Pacific salmons;chum;chum salmon;
大麦 {植} barley;
大忙 very busy;fully occupied;
大猫熊 {动} giant panda;
大帽子 exaggerated epithet used to categorize a person;unwarranted charge;political label;
大门 entrance door;front door;gate;
大米 (husked) rice;
大面儿 [方] (表面) general appearance;surface;(面子) face;
大民主 great democracy;
大鸣大放 free airing of views;air one's views freely;argue things out thoroughly;free expression of opinion;speak out freely and air one's views fully;
大名 one's formal personal name;[敬] your (given) name;
大名鼎鼎 One's name is known far and wide.;be very famous;be widely known;celebrated;enjoy a big name;One's name rang a bell.;well-known;with [have] one's name up;
大谬不然 be a gross error;absolutely preposterous;entirely [utterly] wrong;... great mistake,and it is not so;greatly mistaken;grossly mistaken;
大模大样 in an ostentatious [showy] manner;with a swagger;pompously;proudly;
大拇指 [口] thumb;
大拿 [口] (掌大权的人) person with power;(在某方面有权威的人) person with high skills or rich experiences;boss;
大难 catastrophe;disaster;
大难不死 escape from death in a great catastrophe;be delivered from a great danger;escape death in a great calamity;
大难不死,必有后福 One who survives a great disaster is destined to good fortune for ever after.;
大难临[当]头 A great calamity is at hand.;be faced with imminent disaster;be in deadly danger right now;Calamities come down on ....;with great disaster hanging over a person;
大脑 {生理} cerebrum;brain;
大脑半球 hemicerebrum;paroncephala;cerebral hemisphere;hemisphaerium cerebri;
大鲵 {动} megalobatrachus dividianus;giant salamander;
大逆不道 treason and heresy;be treacherous;commit high treason;go against [violate] all the heavenly laws of morality and filial love;greatest outrage;monstrous crime;offensive to all established values;the major crime of insubordination;(be charged with) the monstrous crime of insubordination;thoroughly perverse and unprincipled;thoroughly turbulent and absurd;worst offense;
大年 (丰收年) good year;bumper year;(of fruit trees) on-year;(农历12月有30的年份) a lunar year in which the last month has 30 days;{天} great year;platonic year;
大年初一 [口] first day of the lunar year; lunar New Year's Day; 大年夜 [方] lunar New Year's Eve;
大娘 [口] (伯母) wife of father's elder brother;aunt;(尊称年长的妇人) aunt;
大拍卖 sell at a bargain;auction;
大炮 (口径大的炮) artillery;big gun;cannon;[口] (好发表激烈意见的人) one who speaks boastfully or forcefully;one who noisily overstates things;
大批 large quantities [numbers;amounts] of;a smart of;
大辟 [旧] capital punishment (in feudal times);decapitation;
大菠 {植} water soldier;water lettuce;water cabbage;
大屏幕 large screen;
大谱表 {音} great stave;
大谱儿 general idea;
大器 one of outstanding talents;
大器晚成 A great man becomes famous late in life.;A great man will succeed late in life.;A great talent takes time to mature.;A great vessel will be long in completion.;Great instruments are never quickly forged.;Great men [minds] mature slowly.;Great vessels are late in completion.;Great vessels take years to produce — great minds mature slowly.;Rome was not built in a day.;
大气 (地球周围的气体) atmosphere;air;(呼吸;沉重的呼吸) breath;heavy breathing;
大气层 atmospheric layer;atmosphere;stratum;aerosphere;
大气候 {气} macroclimate;circumstances from the outside;
大气压 atmos;atmosphere;barometric pressure;pressure atmosphere;
大千世界 (佛教用语) universe of 1,000,000,000 universes;(广阔无边的世界) the boundless universe;the big world;the kaleidoscopic world;
大前年 three years ago;
大前提 {逻} major premise;sumption;
大前天 three days ago;
大巧若拙 Great art conceals itself — a capable man pretends to be stupid in order to avoid jealousy.;Great wisdom appears stupid.;A man of great skill is like an idiot.;A great intelligent man looks dull.;
大庆 (大规模庆祝) grand celebration of an important event;great occasion;[敬] (老人寿辰) birthday;(油田名) Daqing (oil field);
大秋 (秋天收获季节) harvest season in autumn;(秋天的收成) crops harvested in autumn;autumn harvest;
大曲 (酿酒的曲) yeast for making hard liquor;(酒名) hard liquor made with such yeast;
大权 power over major issues;authority;
大权独揽 centralize power on major issues;absolute control on;arrogate all authority [powers] to oneself;centralize power in one man's hands to deal with major questions [issues];have sole power;take all power into one's hands;grasp the central power in one's own hands;
大权旁落 One's power has been transferred into the hands of others.;A chief loses power to those under him.;allow one's power to fall into another's hands;let power pass into other's hands;lose one's power to a subordinate while remaining as a figurehead;Power has fallen into the hands of others.;
大犬座 {天} Canis Major;
大人 [敬] used in a letter to address one's parents or people of an older generation;
大人物 important person;great personage;big shot;big bug;VIP;high and mighty;
大人 (成人) adult;grown-up;[旧] (地位高的人) Your Excellency;His Excellency;
大肉 {中医} muscles of the arm,the buttock and the thigh;[方] pork;
大扫除 general cleaning;thorough cleanup;
大嫂 (大哥的妻子) eldest brother's wife;sister-in-law (对已婚妇女的称呼) elder sister;
大煞[杀]风景 do sth. to spoil sb.'s enthusiasm;throw [put] a wet blanket over [on];dampen the spirit;disappointing;frustrating;spoil the fun;sink the spirits of;mar the pleasure of;spoil the pleasure;
大厦 edifice;large building;mansion polystyle;prytaneum;
大少爷 eldest son (of a rich family);a spoilt son of a rich family;spendthrift;
大舌头 [口] a thick-tongued person;one who lisps;lisper;
大赦 amnesty;general pardon;
大婶儿 aunt;
大声 loud;loudness;in a loud voice;
大声疾呼 clarion call to awaken the public;to lurking danger by writing [speeches];call out with a loud voice;cry as loud as possible;cry in the highest pitch of the voice;cry loudly;lift up one's voice;loudly to appeal;raise a cry of warning;run screaming to ...;shout [cry] at the top of one's voice;
大牲口 draught animal;
大师 (造诣深的人) great master;master;{佛教} (对和尚的尊称) Great Master;
大师傅 [口] Great Master,a courtesy title used to address a Buddhist monk;
大师兄 (义和团对自己头领的称呼) our leader;(称同学中年长才高者) way of address for one's older classmates;
大失所望 greatly disappoint one's hopes;be greatly disappointed;to one's great disappointment;lose great popularity;body blow;
大使 ambassador;
大事 (重大的事) great event;major event;important matter;major issue;(总的形势) overall;(大搞) in a big way;
大事化小,小事化了 reduce a big trouble into a small one,and a small one into nothing;minimize big scandals and overlook minor ones;reduce major issues to minor ones,and then minor issues to naught;reduce the trouble to the minimum;turn big problems into small ones and small problems into no problems at all;
大事记 (重大事件记载) chronicle of events;(编辑用报道的新闻记录册) datebook;
大势 general trend of events;general situation;
大势所趋 represent [be] the general trend;an irresistable trend;be pushed by the general trend of events;The general trend indicates ....;the general trend of development;The trend is unmistakable.;the trend of times;This is dictated by the general trend.;
大势已去 It is all up with ....;be on the decline;be rendered powerless;Nothing much can be done about it now.;One's day has gone.;The game is as good as lost.;The situation is beyond salvation.;The situation is hopeless.;
大是大非 major issues [matters] of principle;cardinal questions of right and wrong;cardinal [major] issues of right and wrong;(between) right and wrong on cardinal issues;
大师傅 (厨师) cook;chef;
大手笔 the work or writing of a great author or calligrapher;
大手大脚 wasteful;extravagant;free-handed;spend extravagantly;
大叔 younger brother of one's father;uncle;uncle; 大书特书 write a great deal about...;(be worth) recording at length;particularize;record in letters of gold;write repeatedly or elaborately;
大暑 Great Heat (12th solar term);
大帅 commander in chief;generalissmo;
大水 flood;flood water;
大肆 without restraint;wantonly;violently;recklessly;
大苏打 {化} (硫代硫酸钠) sodium thiosulfate;sodium hyposulfite;hypo;
大蒜 garlic;allium sativum;
大踏步 in big strides;
大堂 [旧] court of law;principal hall in a Yamen;
大体 cardinal principle;general interest;
大体上 by and large;grosso modo;
大天白日 [口] broad daylight;
大田 land for growing field crops;
大厅 hall;sala;saloon;lobby;loft building;state room;
大庭广众 (before) a big crowd (of people);(on) a public occasion;in public;in broad daylight;in front of everybody;
大同 Great Harmony (an ideal or perfect society);Great unity;
大同小异 be the same in essentials while differing in minor points;a general resemblance with small [minor] differences;be alike in all important essentials,the differences being of a minor nature;be largely identical with only minor differences;differ only in [on] small points;essentially the same though differing on minor points;For the most part they are the same.;identical on major issues though with minor differences;mostly alike except (for) slight differences;much about the same;much of a muchness;very much the same;virtually the same;
大头 (大的那一端;主要的部分) the larger [thicker] end of sth.;the largest share;the major part;(面具) mask;(民国初年发行的铸有袁世凯头像的银元) silver dollar;
大头菜 {植} (芫青甘蓝) rutabaga;(根芥菜) root-mustard;
大头钉 hobnail;large-headed nail;
大团圆 happy reunion;happy ending;
大腿 thigh;
大王 king;magnate;
大为 very;greatly;
大尉 senior captain;
大我 the greater self;the spiritual self;the collective;
大无畏 dauntless;utterly fearless;indomitable;
大西洋 the Atlantic (Ocean);
大媳妇 wife of one's eldest son;wife of a man with concubine大喜 [口] great rejoicing;
大喜过望 be delighted that things are better than one expected;be delighted with unexpectedly good results;be overjoyed;be pleased beyond one's expectations;in pleased surprise;rejoice beyond all expectations;
大戏 full-scale drama;[方] Beijing opera;
大虾 prawn;
大峡谷 grand canyon;
大显身手 display one's skill to the full;bring one's talents into full play;come out strong;distinguish oneself;cut a dashing [brilliant] figure;display one's prowess fully;do a really good job of ...;employ fully one's talent (in...);fully display one's talents;give a good account of oneself;give full play to one's abilities;turn one's talents to full account;
大显神通 make the mare go;give full play to one's remarkable skill [abilities];show a great miracle;show one's magic power;show what one is capable of;
大相径庭 be quite different;be very unlike;be widely divergent;entirely contrary [different];make a world of difference;poles apart;
大小 (程度大小) big or small;(辈份高低) degree of seniority;(大人和孩子) adults and children;(尺寸、规模、 面积等的大小) size;dimension;bulk;admeasurement;volume;scale;magnitude;
大小姐 a way of address for others' daughter;eldest daughter;
大校 senior colonel;
大笑 laughter;risus;
大协作 large-scale cooperation;a major pooling of efforts;
大写 (汉字数字的一种写法) the capital form of a Chinese numeral;(拼音字母的一种写法) capitalization;
大兴 go in for sth. in a big way;
大兴土木 be busy at putting up installations [buildings];a great bustle of masons and carpenters;build largely;build many new buildings;go in for large-scale construction;start architectural work on a large scale;
大猩猩 {动} Gorilla;gorilla;
大型 large-scale;large;{材} heavy section;
大姓 surname of an aristocratic family;popular surname;
大熊猫 {动} panda;giant panda;
大熊星座 {天} Ursa Major (UMa);
大修(理) capital [heavy;extensive] repair;turnover job;major [big] repair;general overhaul(ing); general reconstruction;heavy maintenance;major service;thorough repair;top [major;maintenance] overhaul;permanent repairs;
大选 general election;
大学 (高等学校) university;college;institute;(“四书”之一) The Great Learning;
大学生 university student;college student;
大学英语四级考试 College English Test-Band 4;大雪 Great Snow (21st solar term);heavy snow;
大循环 {生理} systemic circulation;general circulation;greater circulation;major cycle;
大丫头 the head maid;young woman;
大牙 (槽牙) molar;(门牙) front tooth;
大雅 [书] elegance;refinement;good taste;
大烟 opium;
大盐 crude salt;
大言不惭 boast without shame;be shamelessly boastful;brag unblushingly;brag without feeling shame;make a shameless boast;not to feel ashamed for telling a lie;talk big;unblushing exaggeration;
大雁 wild goose;
大洋 (海洋) ocean;(银元) silver dollar;
大洋洲 Oceania;Oceanica;
大样 {刷} (报纸的整版清样) full-page proof;{工} (细部图) bulk sample;detail drawing;
大摇大摆 come [go] swaggeringly;an ostentatious,vain manner of walking;strutting;swaggering;swagger one's way (into ...); take big,swinging steps;
大要 main points;gist;
大业 great cause;great undertaking;
大爷 [口] (伯父) father's elder brother;uncle;(尊称年长的男子) uncle;
大衣 overcoat;topcoat;
大姨 [口] mother's eldest sister;aunt;
大姨子 [口] wife's elder sister;sister-in-law;
大意 general idea;main points;gist;tenor;
大义 principle of right and wrong;cardinal principles of righteousness;righteous cause;
大义凛然 with a strong sense of righteousness — fearless of death for a just cause;awe-inspiring righteousness;heroically;stand firm for the cause of justice;inspiring awe by upholding justice;
大义灭亲 punish one's own relations in the cause of justice;place righteousness above family loyalty;place righteousness above loyalty to one's family;sacrifice consanguinity for the sake of righteousness;sacrifice ties of blood to righteousness;uphold justice and righteousness even at the sacrifice of blood relations;
大意 careless;negligent;inattentive;
大音阶 {音} major scale;
大印 great seal;the seal of power;
大英百科全书 EB (Encyclopaedia Britannica);
大油 [口] lard;
大有可为 have a brilliant future;be well worth doing;can accomplish great things;have bright prospects;It can be well managed.;There is ample scope for our abilities in ....;
大有人在 There are plenty of people who ....;Such people are by no means rare.;There are plenty of such people.;There are quite a few persons who ....;
大有文章 There is much fineness in ....;(Thereby) hangs a tale.;There seems to be much behind all this.;There's more to it [this] than meets the eye.;There's sth. behind all this.;There is something fishy about it.;
大雨 heavy rain;heavy rain fall;hale water;soaker;[英方] pash;
大雨如注 Rain falls in torrents;Down comes the rain,solid as though from a waterfall;It's raining cats and dogs;It's raining in torrents;It rains like fury.;The heavy rain pours down in [like] torrents.;The rain comes down in cataracts [sheets].;The rain falls in a perfect deluge.;The rain is pouring down.;
大元帅 generalissimo;
大员 [旧] high-ranking official;
大院 courtyard;compound;
大约 approximately;about;probably;
大月 a solar month of 31 days;a lunar month of 30 days;
大跃进 great leap forward;
大运河 the Grand Canal;
大杂烩 hodgepodge;hotchpotch;
大杂院儿 compound occupied by many households;
大枣 Chinese date;{中药} Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae;
大灶 brick kitchen range;ordinary mess;
大张旗鼓 put up a pageantry;give wide publicity to ...;in a big way;on a grand [large] scale;with a flourish;with a great fanfare;with colors flying and the band playing;
大丈夫 true man;real man;man;
大政方针 fundamental policy;
大指 thumb;
大志 high aim;lofty aim;exalted ambition;high aspirations;
大致 roughly;on the whole;
大智若愚 A man of great wisdom often appears [seems] slow-witted.;A master looks like a fool.;An intelligent man looks dull.;Apparent ignorance is in fact informed.;A wise man looks stupid.;Great wisdom takes the looks of folly [appearance of stupidity].;Still waters run deep.;The wisest man is often stupid-looking.;
大众 the masses;the people;the public;the broad masses of the people;
大众化 popular;in a popular style;
大宗商品 bulk commodity;
大洲 continent;
大轴子 the last item on a theatrical programme;
大主教 archbishop;
大专院校 universities and colleges;institutions of higher education;
大篆 ancient style of calligraphy,current in the Zhou Dynasty (11th century—256 B.C.);
大资本家 big capitalist;monopolist;
大资产阶级 the big bourgeoisie;
大自然 nature;
大字报 Dazibao;big character poster;
大宗 a large amount;a large quantity;staple;
大作 [敬] (称对方的著作) your work;your script;(猛烈发作) explode;erupt


[书] Ⅰ (待;等待) wait;await Ⅱ ❶ (世代) generation after generation;for generations;from generation to generation
❷ (地名用字) a word used in a place name:~ 城 Daicheng (a county in Hebei Province)
另见 see also dà;tài。
◆大夫 [口] doctor;physician;
大黄 {植} Rheum officinale;Chinese rhubarb;
大王 king;monarch





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