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单词 夜以继日

夜以继日日以继夜yè yǐ jì rì

day and night;from daytime into the night; round the clock
❍ 敝国虽贫,寡人节衣食之用,积金钱,脩兵革,聚榖食,~三十余年矣。(《史记·吴王濞列传》2828) Although my kingdom is poor,I have been occupied day and night for the past thirty years and more in economizing on the use of food and clothing,accumulating funds,preparing weapons and gathering stores of grain,all for the realization of this aim.
❍ 其有不合者,仰而思之,~。(《孟子·离娄下》) If he saw anything in them not suited to his time,he looked up and thought about it,from daytime into the night.
❍ 每五日洗沐,常置驿马长安诸郊,存诸故人,请谢宾客,~,至其明旦,常恐不徧。(《史记·汲郑列传》3112) Every five days when his bath and hair washing day came around,he would order post horses to be held in readiness for him in the suburbs of Changan so that he could ride about and visit his friends,or else he would invite guests to his home and entertain them right through the night until dawn,his constant fear being that he would not get around to chatting with them all.


day and night;around the clock

夜以继日yè yǐ jì rì

晚上接着白天的活继续干,日夜不停。形容白天的时间不够,晚上不休息,继续干下去。day and night, round the clock, double tides





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