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❶ (从天黑到天亮的一段时间) night; nighttime; evening: 一个寒冷的冬 ~ one cold wintry night [winter evening]; 在新婚之 ~ on the bridal evening; 冬天昼短 ~ 长。 In winter the days are short and the nights long. 三天三 ~ 讲不完。 It would take days to tell it all. 他一 ~ 又一 ~ 地外出喝酒。 He goes out drinking night after night. 他在我们家里住了三 ~。 He stayed three nights with us. ~ 已经很深了。 The night has grown old. ~ 在逐渐消逝。 The night wears on.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 龙 Ye Long
◆夜班 night shift; 夜半 midnight; dead of night; [诗] the noon of night; 夜便礼服 dinner suit; 夜不闭户 Doors are unbolted at night.; Honesty prevails throughout.; keep the doors open all night; 夜餐 midnight meal; night snack; 夜叉 {佛教} yaksha (a malevolent spirit); a hideous, ferocious person; 夜长梦多 A long night is fraught with dreams — undue delay may bring trouble.; A long delay may give rise to many a hitch.; Heaven [Who] knows what may happen all this long while.; There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.; 夜场 evening show; evening performance; 夜车 night train; 夜大学 evening university; evening college; 夜工 night work; night job; 夜光 noctilucent; 夜间 night; nighttime; in the nighttime; at night; 夜景 night scene [view]; nightscape; 夜来 [书] yesterday; at night; in the nighttime; 夜阑 [书] in the dead of night, late at night; 夜阑人静 All is quiet in the dead of night.; in the dead of night.; in the quiet [still] of the night.; in the stillness [silence] of the night.; The night is dark and silent.; 夜礼服 evening dress; 夜里 at night; nighttime; 夜盲 {医} nyctalopia; night blindness; 夜猫子 [方] owl; a person who goes to bed late; night owl; 夜幕 curtain of night; gathering darkness; 夜尿 {医} enuresis nocturna; nocturnal enuresis; 夜色 the dim light of night; 夜深 in the dead of night; late at night; 夜生活 night life; 夜市 night fair; night market; 夜视 night vision; 夜晚 night; dark hours; 夜宵 midnight snack; food [refreshments] taken late at night; 夜校 night school; evening school; 夜行军 night march; 夜以继日 round the clock; day and night; continue the day by night; day in, day out; lengthen the day by taking in the night; 夜莺 nightingale; jar-owl; philomel; 夜鹰 goatsucker; nightjar; nighthawk; 夜游 noctivagation; 夜战 {军} night fighting [battle]; [口] work at night; 夜总会 nightclub; night club; discothèque; cabaret


Nights→林庚 (Liu Geng)






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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:41:27