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单词 外资


foreign capital


foreign capital


foreign capital;inward investment
引进~absorb foreign capital;import foreign capital/利用~use foreign financing/~公司foreign-owned company/~流入foreign capital inflow /~企业 overseas-funded enterprise; foreign-owned (or -funded,-invested)enterprise/~银行foreign-owned (or-funded)bank/~银行管理administration of foreign--funded banks /~银行业务范围scope of business for foreign-funded banks/~银行营业性机构operational foreign-funded banks
外商独资银行wholly foreign-funded bank
代表处representative office
银行监督管理机构banking regulatory agency
注册资本最低限额minimum registered capital
注册资本应是实缴资本The registered capital shall be paid-in capital.
营运资金operating capital
总行资本金总额parent bank’s aggregate capital
人民币份额Renminbi-denominated proportion of capital
控股股东 controlling shareholder
反洗钱制度anti-money laundering system
注销登记手续cancellation of registration
业务种类 business scope
章程 articles of association
年报 annual report
开业申请表 application form for business commencement
授权书 power of attorney
验资证明 capital verification certificate
颁发金融许可证 issue a financial services permit
有无不良记录的证明书 statement of a clean record
合法性、审慎性和持续经营原则principles of legitimacy,prudence and business continuity
股东持股比例equity of stock holdings
经营结汇、售汇业务engage in foreign exchange settlement and sale businesses
民事责任 civil liabilities
业务规则 operating rules
信息披露 information disclosure
举借外债 issue external debts
缴存存款准备金 deposit required reserves
资产负债比例 asset and liability ratio
资本充足率 capital adequacy ratio
计提呆账准备金 draw loan loss reserves
生息资产 interest-bearing assets
资产的流动性 liquidity of assets
提供全额担保 provide full guaranty to
解散、关闭、进行清算 dissolution,closure and proceeding to liquidation
无力清偿到期债务 fall into insolvency
停业 suspend business
限期清理 clear liability within a specified period of time
注销登记 cancellation of registration
在法定期限内 within the statutory time limit
法律责任 legal liability
依法追究刑事责任 ascertain criminal responsibility according to law
比照适用本条例these regulations apply mutatis mutandis to…
吸收公众存款 receive deposits from the general public
发放短期、中期和长期贷款grant short-term, medium-term and long-term loans
办理票据承贷与贴现 handle acceptance and discounting of negotiable instruments
买卖政府债券、金融债券,买卖股票以外的其他外币有价证券buy and sell government bonds and financial bonds,as well as buy and sell foreign currency securities other than stocks
提供信用证服务及担保provide letter of credit services and guaranty
办理国内外结算 handle domestic and foreign settlement
代理保险 act as an agent for insurance companies
从事同业拆借 engage in inter-bank lending
从事银行卡业务 engage in bank card business
提供保管箱服务 provide safe deposit box ser-
提供资信调查和咨询服务provide credit information services and consultancy service
经国务院银行监督管理机构批准的其他业务other business approved by the banking regulatory agency of the State Council





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