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单词 marble
marble/′mɑ:bl, AmE ′mɑ:r-/ n & adj

adj (1)大理石(very hard rock used to make statues and parts of houseswhen cut and polished)[U]:a monument in black~黑色大理石纪念碑;The statue of the king was of the finest~.国王雕像是用上等大理石刻制的。The pillars are made of thick white~.粗大的柱子是用白色大理石制成的。M~is often used in sculpture.大理石常用来雕刻。a heart of~(fig) 铁石心肠;a~table/statue/floor/tomb大理石桌面/雕像/地面/墓;

(2)大理石雕刻(set of sculptureworks of art in marble)[pl]:the Elgin~s 埃尔金大理石雕(指不列颠博物馆的一些典雅雕刻和残件);a collection of ancient Greek~s 古希腊大理石雕刻作品;

(3)弹子游戏(children's game played with marbles)[pl]:play (a game of)~s 玩弹球(游戏);Are children playing~s? 孩子们在玩弹球吗?

(4)玻璃球,弹子(small hard ball of glass used in children's game)[C]:I've got more~s than you.我的球比你的多。The little boy rolled a~along the ground.小男孩在地上滚玻璃球玩。

adj (1)大理石般的,冷酷无情的(like marble in some wayhardcoldsmoothwhiteetc)[作attrib](fig):a~heart 冷酷的心;sb's~skin/forehead 某人光亮的皮肤/光滑的前额;~ice cream大理石花纹冰激凌





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