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单词 abuse
abusev / ə′bju:z/ [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/];n / ə′bju:s/ [-s/ ɪz/]

v (1)辱(谩)骂,诋毁,攻击(speak unkindlycruelly or roughly to sb or about sb/sth;attack or injure with words)[T+n]:The shrew~d every one in a loud voice.那泼妇大声地谩骂每一个人。~the servants 辱骂仆人;He was politely~d in the press.他受到报界彬彬有礼的攻击。〖同〗curse;〖反〗praise,compliment;

(2)滥(乱)用(make improper or wrong use of sth with harmful result)[T+n]:~one's power/one's authority/one's privileges/one's position/one's wealth 滥用权力/权威/特权/职位/财富;~sb's hospitality/sb's confidence (in one)/sb's trust/sb's kindness 不珍惜某人的热情好客/(对自己)的信任/信任/仁慈;

(3)虐待;不经心地使用(hurt or injure by treating badly)[T+n](现少用):a much~d wife/prisoner 备受虐待的妻子/俘虏;He was physically~d.他肉体上受到虐待。Stop~ing dogs/that horse! 不要虐待狗/那马了! A good workman doesn't~his tools.一个好工人使用自己的工具是很经心的。Don't~my camera.用我的照相机经心点!~ one's eyesight by reading in poor light 在昏暗的光线下看东西而损坏眼睛;〖同〗misuse,ill-use,mistreat,ill-treat;〖反〗protect,respect;

→ a′busive adj 辱(谩)骂的;a′busively adv 辱(谩)骂地;a′busiveness n 辱(谩)骂;

n (1)辱(谩)骂(unkindcruelrough or insulting words)[U]:greet sb with a stream of~一见面就大骂某人;hurl/shriek/shout a stream of~at sb 破口/尖声/高声大骂某人;burst into (a storm of)~破口大骂;address sb in terms of~骂骂咧咧地和某人说话;We'll listen to no more of your~! 我们再也不让你骂了!〖同〗cursing;〖反〗praise,compliment;

(2)滥(乱)用(improper or wrong use of)[C][N(of)]:an~of power/authority/privileg-es/trust 滥用权力/权威/特权/信任;Borrowing money is an~of friendship.借钱是对友谊的践踏。

(3)虐待;不经心的使用(wrong or bad use or treatment)[U]:child~虐待儿童;be guilty of gross~犯有粗野虐待罪;drug~滥用毒品;an~of figures/words滥用数字/词语;The toy has been subjected to a lot of~.这玩具受到严重损坏。The car has taken much~.这车用得很苦。〖同〗mistreatment;

(4)恶(陋)习,弊端(unjust or harmful practice or custom)[C]:put a stop to political~s 铲除政治弊端;an attempt to correct governmental~s 克服政府弊端的企图;the~s of bad government 治理不善的弊端





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