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❶ (外面) outside; external side: 名声在 ~ be well-known; 校 ~ outside the school
❷ (外国) foreign country: 古今中 ~ modern or ancient times, China or foreign countries; 对 ~ 贸易 trade with foreign countries; foreign trade
❸ (以外) besides; beyond; in addition: 此 ~ besides; into the bargain; 除 ~ except; not including; not counting
❹ (戏曲角色, 扮演老年男子) a role for old men in traditional opera Ⅱ ❶ (外边的) outer; outward; external: ~ 套 outerwear; outer garment; ~ 分泌 external secretion
❷ (指自已所在地以外的) other: ~ 县 other county; ~ 来干部 an outside cadre; cadre transferred from other place; cadres not native to the locality
❸ (称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚) on one's mother's, sister's or daughter's side: ~ 甥儿 sister's son; nephew; ~ 甥女 sister's daughter; niece
❹ (关系疏远的) not closely related: ~ 人 stranger; outsider; alien; 你太见 ~ 了。 You regarded me as an outsider.
❺ (非正式的; 非正规的) informal; unofficial: ~ 号 nickname; ~ 史 unofficial history Ⅲ ❶ (向外; 往外) abroad; outward; out: ~ 嫁 marry abroad or marry out; ~ 露 leak out
❷ (另外) extra; moreover: ~ 加 additionally; extra
◆外板 {船} planking; shell plating; 外包 ectocyst; outer pack; epiboly; 外包装 external packing; out packing; outer packing; outer package; exterior package; 外币 foreign currency; 外壁 exine; exospore; exosporium; ectotheca; theca ; perisporinium; outer wall; 外边 outside; out; another place; far-away or distant places; a place other than where one lives or works; exterior; outside; 外表 outward appearance; exterior; surface; outside; likeness; 外表老实, 骨子奸诈 have an honest appearance but be actually full of cunning and deceit; 外滨 nearshore (area); offshore; 外宾 foreign guest; foreign visitor; 外埠 nonlocal; other ports; towns or cities other than where one is; 外部 outside; external; 外部设备 external equipment; external unit; auxiliary equipment; ancillary equipment; peripheral equipment; 外侧 outboard; 外层 {生}sexine; outer layer; rind; skin; exothecium; 外层空间 {天} outerspace; deep space; 外插 extrapolation; 外差 {电} heterodyne; heterodying; 外场 the behaviour of being good at social intercourses and concerned about face-saving; 外场 {棒球、垒球} out field; external field; 外衬 outer lining; 外出 go out; be out; egress; 外出录音 location recording; 外出血 {医} external hemorrhage; 外唇 outer lip; 外磁场 foreign field; 外存储器 external storage; external memory; file storage; file; 外带 tyre (cover); as well; besides; into the bargain; 外堤岸 back scarp; 外敌 foreign enemy; enemy from outside; alien enemy; 外地 other places; nonlocal; parts of the country other than where one is; 外电 dispatches [reports] from foreign news agencies; 外调 transfer (materials or personnel) to other localities; investigation mission outside the city or town; 外耳 {生理} external ear; auris externa; 外耳道 {生理} external auditory meatus; external auditory canal; 外翻 ecstrophy; exstrophy; ectropion; ectropium; eversion; extrophia; plow out; 外分 exterior division; external division; divide externally; 外分泌 {医} exocrine; external secretion; 外风 {医} exogenous wind; 外敷 external application; {医} apply (ointment, etc.); 外敷内服 for external application or take medicine orally; 外感 {中医} diseases caused by external factors; 外港 outer harbour; outport; 外功 external work; exercises to benefit the muscles and bones; 外公 [方] (maternal) grandfather; 外购食物 cate; 外鼓 external drum; 外骨骼 ectoskeleton; exoskeleton; dermoskeleton; 外观 outward appearance; exterior; 外轨 outer rail; 外国 foreign country; 外国油气田 foreign oil-gas field; 外国人 foreigner; 外国语 foreign language; 外果皮 {植} pan ̄ nexterna; ectocarp exocarp; epicarp; 外海 open waters; open seas; 外海渔业 off-sea fishery; midwater fishery; 外寒 {中医} exogenous cold; 外焊 outside weld(ing); 外行 layman; nonprofessional; outsider; lay; unprofessional; 外行领导内行 Layman leads experts.; Non-experts direct experts.; Non-professionals lead professionals.; 外号 nickname; 外红内白 be red without and white within; 外呼吸 external respiration; 外化 {哲} alienation; {心} externalization; 外话 [方] words of an outsider; 外患 foreign aggression; 外患内忧 trouble coming from without and anxiety arising from within; foreign invasion and domestic trouble; foreign aggression and internal disturbance; 外患频仍 be subjected to repeated foreign aggression; 外汇 foreign exchange; foreign currency; 外婚 exogamy; 外货 foreign goods; imported goods; 外积 apposition; {数} exterior product; external product; outer product; 外籍 foreign nationality; 外夹皮 exposed bark-pocket; 外家 wife's maiden home; [旧] a kept mistress or her apartment; 外加more; addi ̄ tional; extra; apposition; applied; add ... to; in addition; sur-; 外间 outer room; [书] the external world; outside circles; 外交 diplomacy; foreign affairs; 外交关系 diplomatic relations; 外角 {房} external angle; salient junction; {数} exterior angle; 外教 foreign teacher; 外接 {数} circumscribed; 外界 the external world; the outside world; outside; 外斤斗 outside loop; 外景 outdoor scene; a scene shot on location; exterior; exterior view; 外径 exradius; outside diameter; outer diameter; external diameter; major diameter; 外舅 [书] father-in-law; wife's father; 外卡规 snap gauge; snap; 外卡钳 outside caliper; 外髁 ectocondyle; 外科 {医} surgery; surgical department; 外科用酒精 {化} surgical spirit; 外壳 hull; incrustation; outer skin; outermost shell; case; shell; jacket; package; housing; skin; sleeve; body; outer covering; outer casing; crust; sheathing; exochite; 外客 a guest who is not a relative; 外空生物学 exobiology; 外空武器 outer space weapons; 外寇 the invading armed forces; 外快 extra income; 外宽内忌 appear liberal but be jealous; 外宽内严 the iron hand in the velvet glove; 外来 outside; external; foreign; 外廊 lanai; veranda; verandah; 外力 outside force; {物} external force; 外流 outflow; drain; exodus; 外路 (of goods) from other cities; nonnative; 外轮 foreign ship; ocean-going vessel; 外卖 take out; 外貌 appearance; exterior; looks; aspect; 外貌虽变, 骨子依旧 Though outwardly all was changed; beneath the surface all went on as before.; 外貌特征 macroscopic features; 外貌优势 physiognomic dominance; 外贸 [简] (对外贸易) foreign trade; external trade; 外门 anteport; 外冕 outer corona; 外面 outward appearance; exterior; surface; 外面加热 externally heating; externally heated; 外面 outside; out; 外能 external energy; 外内比 {数} extreme and mean ratio; 外配合 fit on; 外披羊皮, 内藏狼心 a wolf in sheep's clothing; Outside he is clothed in sheep's skin, inside his heart is a wolf's.; 外皮 {电} sheath; {无脊椎} exoderm; {植} outer bark; crust; rind; busk hoose; slough; scyt-(-to-); lepo-; 外婆 [方] (maternal) grandmother; 外戚 relatives of a king or emperor on the side of his mother or wife; 外气 [方] polite for regarding oneself as a stranger or outsider; 外墙 exposed wall; 外墙板 side fascia; 外强中干 be outwardly strong and inwardly weak; apparantly rich and successful, but actually in financial trouble; be fierce of visage and faint of heart; be outwardly strong but inwardly brittle; be strong in appearance but weak inside; be strong only in appearance but brittle inside; be strong without but feeble within; gild the pill; outwardly flourishing, inwardly dried up; 外侨 foreign national; alien; 外切 externally tangent; {数} circumscribed; 外勤 work done outside the office or in the field; field-work; field personnel; field-worker; 外倾 flare; {心} extroversion; extraversion; 外倾角 camber angle; 外圈 housing washer; {体} outer lane; outside lane; 外燃 external-burning; externally fired; 外人 stranger; outsider; foreigner; alien; 外善内奸 fair without, false [foul] within; friendly attitude with concealed vicious ̄ ness; 外伤 an injury or wound; trauma; traumato; 外商 foreign tradesman; foreign merchant; foreign business ̄ man; 外伸 protract; lituate; 外渗 exosmose; exosmosis; 外生殖器 {生理} external genital organs; exterior genitalia; external genitalia; 外省 other provinces; 外甥 sister's son; nephew; 外甥女 sister's daughter; niece; 外事 foreign affairs; external affairs; 外事组 foreign affairs section; a section dealing with foreign personnel and foreign visitors; 外室 [旧] mistress living outside; 外手 (when driving a vehicle or operating a machine) the right-hand side; 外售饭店 takeover restaurant; 外孙 daughter's son; grandson; 外孙女 daughter's daughter; granddaughter; 外胎 cover tyre; tyre casing; outer cover; cover; casing; tyre cover; shoe; covering; 外台秘要 the medical secrets of official; 外逃 flee to some other place; flee the country; 外套 overcoat; loose coat; outer garment; outer wear; {机} jacket; shell; {动} mantle; 外通风电机 externally ventilated machine; 外头 outside; out; outdoors; 外图廓 outer border; 外涂层 external coating; outside coating; 外挽 face; 外围 periphery; outer-ring; peripheral; 外围设备 peripheral unit; peripheral equipment; ancillary equipment; auxiliary equipment; 外为中用 make foreign things serve China; 外文 foreign language; 外屋 outer room; 外侮 foreign aggression; external aggression; 外务 matters outside one's job; foreign affairs; external affairs; 外鹜 [书] not concentrate (on any one thing); 外线 {军} exterior lines; outside (telephone) connections; 外乡 another part of the country; some other place; 外项 {数} extreme term; outer term; 外向 {心} extroversion; 外向型产业 export-oriented industry; 外向型经济 export-oriented economy; 外向者 extravert; extrovert;
外销 export sales; export trade; for sale abroad or in another part of the country; 外斜视 exotropia; walleye; divergent strabismus; 外心 unfaithful intentions (of husband or wife); {数} circumcentre; 外星人 outman; intelligence being in the universe beyond the earth; extraterrestrial intelligence; visitor from another planet;
外型 ideotype;
外型大方 {广告} elegant shape;
外形 appearance; external form; contour; configuration; outline; profile; topography;
外行星 {天} outer planet; superior planet; 外姓 (people) not of the same surname; 外旋 extorsion; outward rotation; 外延 denotation; epitaxy; {逻} extension; 外延生产 epitaxial growth; 外延生长 epitaxial growth; 外洋 [旧] foreign country; 外阳台 outporch; 外邀[界]董事 outside director; 外野 outfield; 外业 field operation; field work; out work; 外衣 coat; jacket; outer clothing; outer garment; vestment; cloak; cotta; vest; overgarment; overdress; overclothes; outerwear; slop; wraps; [英] overall; semblance; appearance; garb; 外因 {哲} external cause; 外阴 {生理} vulva; 外引内联 introduce investment from abroad and establish lateral ties at home; 外营力 exogenic force; external agent; 外应力 external stress; 外用 {药} for external use; for external application; 外语 foreign language; 外域 [书] foreign lands; 外遇 illegal love affair; paramour; 外援 foreign aid; outside help; external assistance; foreign grant; 外辕马 off-wheeler; 外圆 {数} excircle; 外圆内方 round outside but square inside; smooth on the surface, firm at heart; smooth and easy-going in manners but highly principled in daily life; outwardly gentle but inwardly stern; 外源 external source; 外缘 exoloma; outskirt; outer edge; 外在 external; extrinsic; 外债 foreign debt; foreign borrowing; external loan; loan from foreign powers; overseas debt; 外展 abduction; abduce; {生} extented; 外长 [简] (外交部长) Minister of [for] Foreign Affairs; Foreign Minister; 外罩 outer garment; dustcoat; mantle; robe; overall; 外痔 {医} external hemorrhoid; external piles; 外治法 external therapy; 外中锋 high post; 外转 (眼球) abversion; 外转车道 outer connection; 外资 foreign capital; foreign investment; foreign funds; 外资企业 foreign- enterprises; foreign invested enterprises; foreign-funded ventures; 外族 people not of the same clan; foreigner; alien; other nationalities; 外祖父 (maternal) grandfather; 外祖母 (maternal) grandmother; 外作贤良, 内藏奸滑 outwardly to feign kindness and nobility of mind, but within to be full of malice and baseness





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