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单词 manner
manner/′mænǝ(r)/ n

(1)方式(法)(the way in which sth is done)[C,通常sing](fml):live in a French/speak in a curious/respond in a lively~法国人的生活/奇怪的讲话/生动的回答方式;He did it in such a/in a routine/in a business-like~.他按照这样一种/常规的/按部就班的方式行事。I love duck cooked in a Chinese~.我喜欢中国式烤鸭。The~of entering the water is very important/extremely unusual.入水的姿势很重要/罕见。〖同〗method,way,style,mode;

(2)态度;举止(person's behaviour or act(towards others))[Ua~]:a frank/rude/sincere/flirtatious/gracious/sarcastic~坦率/粗暴/真诚/逢场作戏/和蔼/讥讽的态度;an unpleasant/absent-minded~举止讨厌/心不在焉的样子;I don't like your~. 我不喜欢你的态度。His~was slightly aggressive. 他的态度多少有点挑衅的意思。〖同〗behaviour,air;

(3)习惯(俗)(customsways of living of a peopleclassperiodetc)[pl]:~s and customs风俗习惯;the~s of the ancients/a class古人的风俗/一个阶级的生活方式;a novel of Victorian~s and morals 一本描写维多利亚时代风俗与道德的小说;the licentious~s of a corrupt society 腐败社会淫乱放荡的风气;〖同〗custom,habit;

(4)礼貌,风度(ways of behaving and speaking very politely)[pl]:have beautiful/good/bad/no~s 彬彬有礼/有礼貌/没礼貌/不懂规矩;His~s were charming.他风度翩翩。What good~s he has!他多有礼貌! Mind your~s,child!孩子,注意你的举止! It is bad~s to talk with your mouth full of food.吃着东西与人说话,不礼貌。〖同〗behaviour;

(5)(个人艺术,文学方面的)风格(practicestyleor method in artsliteratureetc) [C,通常sing]:pictures in the~of Raphael拉斐尔风格的绘画作品;verses in the~of Spenser斯宾塞风格的诗句;novels in the~of the ancient Arabs古代阿拉伯风俗的小说;develop a~of one's own 形成自己的风格;sb's~of singing某人唱歌的风格;This fresco is typical of the painter's early~.这幅壁画作品代表了画家早期的风格。〖同〗practice,style;

(6)种类(kindsort (of person or thing))[Ua~][N(of)](fml):What~of man is he/of beast is it/of train is it?他是哪一种人?/这是哪一种野兽?/这是哪一种火车? All~s of things were happening.各种各样的事情不断发生。I saw all~s of people at the mall.我在商业街看到了形形色色的人。〖同〗kind,type,sort;

in a manner在某种意义上:He's in a~stone-dead.可以说他完全断了气。

in a manner of speaking不妨说,在某种意义上说:Are you a teacher,then?— Well,in a~of speaking,but I don't teach in a school.那么,你教书吗?——嗯,可以说是的,但我不在学校里教书。

(as of) to the manner born(似)天生的,生来就适合(从事某一职业): He speaks in public (as of) to the~born.他生来就是个当众演讲的材料。

→′mannered adj 矫饰(不自然)的;

【辨异】mannerairbearing 的区别见AIR。





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