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(构词成分): ~ 楚 [-chu] ❶ (古代用做责打人的木棍) stick used for flogging somebody as a punishment in ancient China
❷ (责打) flog with a stick as a punishment
另见 see also shà;xià。


(高大的房子) a tall building; mansion
另见 see also jiǎ; xià。


❶ (夏季) summer: 初 ~ early summer; 度 ~ pass [spend] the summer; 一燕不成 ~。 One swallow does not make a summer.
❷ (朝代) the Xia Dynasty (c. 2lst-c. 17th century B.C.)
❸ (中国) an ancient name for China: 华 ~ China
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 明 Xia Ming
另见 see also jiǎ; shà。
◆夏半年 summer half year; 夏半球 summer hemisphere; 夏播 summer seeding; 夏不借扇, 冬不借衣 Do not borrow from a friend things which are essential for [to] his own well-being.; 夏材 summerwood; 夏菜 summer vegetable; 夏茶 summer tea; 夏虫不可以语冰 One cannot talk to summer insects about the ice.; Don't speak of ice to insects that live only one summer — It is impossible to speak to persons of limited experience.; 夏虫语冰 speak of ice to insects that live only one summer; A summer insect discusses ice — one who talks of what he knows nothing about.; (It will be like) talking of ice to a butterfly.; 夏出冬蛰 come out in summer and sleep in winter; 夏疮 bursattee; bursati; cutaneous habronemiasis; leeches; esponja; 夏丁 a surname; 夏福寿草 adonis aestivalis; 夏父 a surname; 夏葛冬裘 Linens for summer and furs for winter — right things come at the right time.; 夏管 summer field management; 夏洪 full in summer; 夏侯 a surname; 夏候鸟 summer resident; summer bird; 夏花山楂 mayhaw; 夏季 summer; summertime; 夏季奥运会 Summer Olympic Games; 夏枯草 {中药} selfheal; square-stem; prunella spike; selfheal spike; spica prunellae; 夏涝区植物 inundatal; 夏历 the traditional Chinese calendar; the lunar calendar; 夏粮 summer grain crops; 夏令 summer; summertime; summer weather; 夏令营 summer camp; 夏炉冬扇 stoves in summer and fans in winter — out of season; 夏眠 {动} aestivation; estivation; aestivate; estivate; 夏末初秋 It is the end of summer, just turning into autumn.; 夏南瓜 zucchini; 夏秋用蚕种 silkworm races for summer and autumn rearing; 夏去秋来 Summer lengthens into autumn.; Autumn succeeds sum ̄ mer.; 夏日 summer day; [书] summer sun; 夏衫冬裘 wear thin garments in summer and furs in winter; 夏生植物 therophyte; 夏时制 summer time; daylight saving time; 夏收 summer harvest; summer crops; 夏收夏种 summer harvesting and sowing [planting]; 夏熟谷物 fall grain; 夏天 summer; 夏威夷 Hawaii; 夏蚊成雷 Mosquitoes were humming round in summer.; 夏汛 summer floods; 夏芽 summer bud; 夏阳 a surname; 夏衣 summer clothing; summer wear; 夏应中矩 A normal pulse in summer should be full.; 夏雨雨人 The summer rain soothes people — a timely help to the masses.; 夏蛰 estivation; aestivation; 夏征 collect the agricultural tax in kind after the summer harvest; 夏至 June solstice; the Summer Solstice (10th solar term); 夏种 summer planting; 夏装 summer clothing; summer wear







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