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单词 声色俱厉

声色俱厉shēng sè jù lì

be fierce both in look and voice; with loud voice and stern expression; one’s voice and expression both grow severe; severe (/stern) in voice and countenance
❍ 吴荪甫渐渐~了;…… (茅盾 《子夜》362) Wu Sunfu was fierce both in look and voice,…/“严办! 杀! 赶快问!”瑞澄~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—251) “Punish them severely!Kill them! Now hurry up with the investigation!”answered Rui Cheng furiously.
❍ 这两句话,又是~,所有攒集在办公室门外的职员们全都吓坏了。(茅盾《子夜》197) His loud voice and stern expression as he said this made the clerks gathered in the outer office start with alarm.
❍ 敦声色并厉,欲以威力使从己,乃重问温:“太子何以称佳?”(刘义庆《世说新语·方正》)Dun’s voice and expression both grew more severe. He wanted,through the force of His Majesty,to make Wen agree with him. Finally he asked Wen gravely,“For what reason is the crown prince praised as good?”/ “你去叫她们两个进来见我!”吴荪甫霍地站起来,~下命令,……(茅盾《子夜》194) “Call them in to see me!” snapped Wu Sunfu,springing to his feet.
❍ 他捏住这张字纸,低声地,但~地说:“你一九三三年曾经被捕叛变,……”(杨沫《青春之歌》479) Holding the indictment in his hand,he said sternly,“After your arrest in 1933,you turned renegade.”

声色俱厉shēnɡ sè jù lì

厉:严厉,严肃。形容说话的声音和脸色都很严厉。stern in voice and countenance, with a sense of outage in one’s voice and expression





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