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单词 墨守成规

墨守成规mò shǒu chéng guī

adhere rigidly to conventions (/old methods); cling to the old system(/established practices/accustomed rules); follow stereotyped routine; stay in a rut (/groove); stick to outmoded ways and regulations
❍ 听说这位老太太秉性和她姊姊完全不同,可以说是~,一丝不苟。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》29) I was told that this old lady was not at all like her sister,the empress dowager Ci Xi; she adhered rigidly to the conventional moral ity.
❍ 一听到批评就不冷静,而没有意识到这就是~,不愿意进步,是个人主义患得患失的表现——……(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》439) If anyone criticized me,I got hot under the collar. I didn’t realize this was a refusal to change,to make progress,that it was a manifestation of selfish individualism.
❍ 你也是一个军佐吧,如果破格把他介绍进来做同志,就会更加有利,不要~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—156) But aren’t you a junior officer yourself? if we make an exception and take him in as a comrade now,I’m sure it’ll be advantageous for our work. Don’t let yourself be bound by the rules!/只有一宗,在耕种上,他~,不相信任何的改变,会得到好处,……(周立波《山乡巨变》136) But there was one thing about him: he would stick to the old ways of cul tivation,and didn’t believe that any changes would ever do any good.

墨守成规mo shou cheng gui

stick to convention

墨守成规成(陈)mò shǒu chénɡ ɡuī

墨守:战国时墨翟善于守城,后称善于守成为“墨守";成规:现成的规则、方法。比喻思想保守、按老规矩办事,不求改进。stick to conventions, get into a rut, move(run) in a rut, by rule, devote to conventions





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