单词 | maintain |
释义 | maintain/meɪn′teɪn/ vt (1)保(维)持(keep sth the same as before;continue to have)[T+n,T+n+prep(with)]:~world peace/law and order维护世界和平/维持法治;~one's rights/one's reputation/one's strength/one's health/one's composure 维护权益/维护名誉/保持力量/保持健康/保持镇静;~one's friendship with sb/one's good relations with sb保持与某人的友谊/良好关系;~an increase in production/a moderate speed on upgrades/a temperature at very high level 保持生产增长之势/以中速上坡/维持很高的温度;~prices维持住物价;~the lead/the attack保持优势/继续进攻;The two countries have~ed cultural links (between them).两国保持着文化联系。How long can you~this silence?你能保持沉默多久?〖同〗keep,keep up,continue;〖反〗discontinue,end,finish; (2)赡(供,抚)养(support sb with money)[T+n]:~a large family/three children/two sons at university 供养一大家子人/抚养三个孩子/供两个儿子上大学;~a wife and oneself on one's small salary靠微薄的薪金养活自己和妻子;He~s two homes.他要供养两个家庭。These schools are~ed by charities.这些学校是几个慈善团体资助的。〖同〗support; (3)保养,养护,维修(keep sth in good condition;keep from changing,declining)[T+n]:~equipment/machinery维修设备/机器;~a public road/a railway line/a hydraulic turbine维护公路/铁路/水轮机;His car has been very poorly~ed.他的汽车保养得太差。A large country house costs a lot to~. 养护一乡间大宅要花费许多资金。〖同〗keep;〖反〗give up,abandon; (4)坚持,声明……属实(continue to believe and claim that a fact,opinion is true)[T+n,T+that]:~one's opinion/one's position/one's innocence坚持个人意见/坚持自己的立场/认为自己无罪;~that one is right/the Party will lose the next election 坚持认为自己正确/该党在下一轮选举中失败;Each driver~ed that the accident was the other's fault.两个司机都认为事故是对方的错误所致。〖同〗insist,hold,claim; →′maintenance n |
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