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单词 垂拱而治

垂拱而治chuí gǒng ér zhì

run the country with one’s robe draped over one’s shoulders and one’s hands folded—run the country well without much effort;easily bring about great order across the land
❍ 惇信明义,崇德报功,垂拱而天下治。(《尚书·武成》)He showed the reality of his truthfulness,and proved clearly his righteousness. He honoured virtue,and rewarded merit. Then he had only to let his robes fall down,and fold his hands,and the empire was orderly ruled.

垂拱而治chuí ɡǒnɡ ér zhì

垂:衣服下垂;拱:拱手;治:太平。指领导者什么也不做,就能使天下太平。多形容无为而治。govern by doing nothing that goes against nature, easily bring about great order across the land





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