坛(❶- ❹壇);[ ❺墰、 ❺壜、 ❺罎]tán ❶ (祭坛) altar: 天 ~ the Temple of Heaven (in Beijing); 地 ~ the Altar to Earth (in Beijing); 日 ~ the Altar to the Sun (in Beijing) ❷ (土台) raised plot: 花 ~ raised flower bed; flower terrace ❸ (有共同兴趣、爱好的人组成的圈子) circles; world: 文 ~ the literary world; literary circles; 体 ~ the sporting world; 影 ~ filmdom ❹ (台子) platform; forum: 论 ~ forum; tribune; 讲 ~ speaker's platform; tribune ❺ (坛子) earthen jar; jug: 酒 ~ wine jug; 一 ~ 酒 a jar of wine ❻ (专装硫酸等腐蚀性液体的) carboy |