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单词 坚贞不屈

坚贞不屈jiān zhēn bù qū

firm and irreconcilable;remain faithful and unyielding
❍ 得欣忍着身上的伤痛,讲着那~的女英雄的故事,小英子和土子听着就像身临其境,感受更深。(石文驹《战地红缨》226) Hearing about that dauntless heroine from Hardy,who was himself covered with wounds,the children were all the more affected.
❍ 而那些共产党人的~、为了人民和祖国视死如归的伟大精神更深深使他向往。(杨沫《青春之歌》606)Furthermore,the firm stand of the Communists in their struggle to defend the interests of the people and the motherland,together with their indomitable scorn of death,drew him towards them with even greater force.
❍ 在展厅里陈列着周恩来同志编写的《警厅拘留记》和《检厅日录》两本书,掀开了周恩来同志狱中~的篇章。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—11) Also on display were two books written by Comrade Zhou Enlai,Detention by the Police and Days at the Criminal Court,telling of his unyielding struggle behind bars.
❍ 老人家听到甥儿这些~视死如归的豪言壮语,激奋和伤痛的感情冲激着他,不由得老泪纵横起来。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》35) On hearing his nephew’s unflinching and fearless talk,overcome by feelings of sorrow and distress,Uncle Huang gave way to a flood of tears.

坚贞不屈jiān zhēn bù qū

贞:坚定,有节操;屈:屈服。坚持气节,决不屈服。remain faithful and unyielding, firm and irreconcilable, stand firm





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