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单词 坐山观虎斗

坐山观虎斗坐山看虎斗zuò shān guān hǔ dǒu

sit on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight—watch in safety while others fight,then reap the spoils when both sides are exausted; see both sides go for (/jump on) each other without gettinginvolved/‘坐山看虎斗’,‘借刀杀人’,‘引风吹火’,‘站干岸儿’,‘推倒了油瓶儿不扶’,都是全挂子的本事;……(《红楼梦》 177)❶Talk about ‘sitting on a hill towatch tigers fight,’‘murdering with a borrowed sword,’‘borrowing wind to fan the fire,’‘watching people drown from a dry bank’ and ‘not troubling to right an oil bottle that’s been knocked over’—they’re all old hands at such tricks.
❷Those old women know just how to sit on the mountain-top and watch the tigers fight: how to murder with borrowed knife,or help the wind to fan the fire. They will look on safely from the bank while you are drowning in the river. And the fallen oil-bottle can drain away: theyare not going to pick it up.
❍ 凤姐虽恨秋桐,且喜借他可先发脱二姐,用 “借刀杀人”之法,“~”,等秋桐杀了尤二姐,自己再杀秋桐。(《红楼梦》900) Xifeng,thoughhating Qiutong,was eager to use her first to rid herself of Second Sister by “killing with a borrowed sword” and “watching from a hilltop while two tigers fought.”For once Qiutong had killed Second Sister,she could do this new concubine in.
❍ 现在一看双方都大打出面,也就乐得暂时来个~了。(《高云览《小城春秋》17) The officials were quite content to let the two sides fight it out,while watching safely from the sidelines.

坐山观虎斗zuo shan guan hu dou

sit on the top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight—watch in safety while others fight,then reap the spoils when both sides are exhausted


sit on the mountain top to watch the tigers fight—let others fight while one watches from a safe distance

坐山观虎斗zuò shān ɡuān hǔ dòu

坐在山上观看两虎相斗。比喻对双方的争斗采取旁观的态度,等到两败俱伤时再从中得利。watch from a hilltop while two tigers fight, sit out the tiger’s fight from after





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