❶ (地球) the earth:天 ~ heaven and earth
❷ (陆地) land; soil:低 [高] ~ down [high] land;
荒 [林] ~ wild [wood] land;
盐碱 ~ saline and alkaline land [soil]
❸ (土地;田地) fields:麦 ~ wheat field;
下 ~ 干活儿 go and work in the fields
❹ (地面) ground;floor:水泥 ~ cement floor
❺ (地区) place;locality:~ 处山区 be located in a mountain area;
全国各 ~ all parts of the country;throughout the country
❻ (地点)place;site:目的 ~ destination;
所在 ~ location;seat;site
❼ (地位) position;situation:立于不败之 ~ be in an invincible position
❽ (花纹或文字的衬托面) background;ground:白 ~ 红花的桌布 a table cloth with a pattern of red flowers on it;
一块白 ~ 黑字的木牌 a board with black characters on a white background
❾ (路程,用于里数、站数后) distance:20里 ~ a distance of 20 li;
我家离学院只有一站 ~。 My home is only a bus stop from the college.
❿ (姓氏) a surname:~ 典 Di Dian
另见 see also de。
◆地巴唑 {药} dibazol;
地板 (木楼板) floor board;(室内地面) floor;
地磅 wagon balance;weighbridge;
地保 [旧] local constable in the Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China;
地堡 {军} bunker;blockhouse;pillbox;
地表 the earth's surface;
地鳖(虫) {中药} Eupolyphoge sinensis;ground beetle;
地波 ground wave;
地鹏 {动} (大鸨) bustard;
地步 (处境) condition;plight;situation;state;(程度) extent;degree;(余地) room for action;
地财 valuables buried by landlords or rich peasants;
地蚕 cutworm;
地槽 {地质} geosyncline;
地层 {地质} stratum;layer;geosphere;sequence;
地产 landed estate;landed property;real estate;
地秤 weighbridge;built-in platform scale;platform truck scales;
地磁 {物} terrestrial magnetism;geomagnetism;
地大物博 vast territory and abundant resources;a big country abounding in natural wealth;extensive land and rich resources;vast in territory and rich in natural resources;wide in area and abundant in products;
地带 district; region;zone;{地测} band;belt;
地道 subway;tunnel;underpass;gallery;
地道 (真正是有名产地出产的) from the place noted for the product;genuine;(纯正的) real;pure;typical;(够标准;实在) well-done;thorough;up to standard;
地地道道 genuine;out- and-out;pure;outright;through-and-through;go to backbone;hundred-percent;to a fraction;to the quick;
地点 place;site;locale;
地电 {地物} terrestrial electricity;earth current;telluric current;
地动 [口] {地震} quake;earthquake;earth motion;ground motion;
地动仪 seismograph;
地冻三尺(非一日之寒) The ground is frozen three feet deep — a rather long process.;
地洞 a hole in the ground;burrow;
地段 a sector of an area;a section of an area;reach;stretch;plot;lot;
地对地导弹 {军} ground-to-ground missile;SSM (surface-to-surface missile); 地对空 ground-to-air;
地儿 place;room;space;
地方 locality;
地方病 endemic (disease);
地方国营 state-owned but locally-administered;
地方志 local history;chorography;local chronicles;annals of local history;
地方 (某一区域) place;space;room;(部分) part;respect;
地肤 {植} Kochia scoparia;summer cypress;
地府 the nether world;
地高辛 {药} digoxin;
地沟 trench;
地骨皮 {中药} (枸杞的根皮) the root bark of Chinese wolfberry;
地瓜 [方] (甘薯) sweet potato;(豆薯) yam bean;
地光 earthquake lighting;earthquake lights;flashes of light preceding an earthquake;
地广人稀 a scarcely populated area;a small population for [over] a large area of land;a vast territory with a sparse population;a wide area with a thin population;an area with much land and few people;
地滚球 (棒、垒球) ground ball;grounder;(保龄球) bowling;
地核 {地质} core;earth core;the earth's core;
地黄 {植} glutinous rehmannia;radix rehmanniae;rhizoma rehmanniae;
地基 (土层) ground;{建} (基础) foundation;base;(路基) subgrade;
地积 measure of land;area;
地极 {地} terrestrial pole;
地价 price of land; price of lot; premium;
地脚 {刷} lower margin (of a page) tail;
地角 pitch;
地窖 cellar;silo;cellarage;underground vault;pit;bury;crypt;weem;cave;
地脚 [方] foundation;
地锦 {植}Euphoriba humifusa;humid euphorbia;
地块 {地质} massif;mass;land block;land-mass;
地蜡 ceresin (wax);montan wax;ozokerite;mineral wax;agricere;earth wax;
地牢 dungeon;pit;
地老虎 {昆虫} cutworm;
地老天荒 (指经过的时间很久) the age of earth and the extent of heaven;outlast even the heaven and the earth;
地雷 (land) mine;
地垒 {地质} horst;
地理 (全世界或一个地区的山川、气候等自然环境及物产、交通、居民点等社会经济因素的总情况) geographical features of a place;(地理学) geography;
地理学 geography;areography;
地利 (地理优势) favourable geographical position;topographical advantages;(土地有利于种植的条件) land productivity;
地利人和 The terrain is favorable and the people are friendly.;the advantage of the location and the harmony of the masses;with favourable natural conditions and friendly people;
地沥青 asphaltos;mineral pitch;asphaltum;albanite;asphalt;asphaltic bitumen;
地力 soil fertility;land capability;
地裂现象 ground fracture phenomena;
地灵人杰 A remarkable place produces outstanding people.;a place propitious for giving birth to great men;The glory of a place leads greatness to the people there.;
地龙 {中药} earthworm;{建} sleeper plate;
地漏 {建} floor drain;
地面站 earth station;
地脉 layout of strata in the land;geographical position;
地幔 {地质} Earth mantle;(the earth's) mantle;
地貌 the general configuration of the earth's surface;topographic feature;landforms;lay of land;relief;land features of terrain;configuration of ground;ground form;
地貌学 {地质} geomorphology;
地面 (地的表面) the earth's surface;ground;{建} (建筑内铺筑的一层东西) ground;floor;(地区) region;area;territory;
地面站 earth station (ES);land station;terrestrial station;ground station;earth-based station;
地名 place name;toponymy;toponym;geographic name;
地膜 mulch film;
地亩 (general term for) fields;farmland;
地盘 territory (under one's control);domain;
地皮 (建筑用地面) land for building;(地表面) ground;
地痞 local ruffian;local riffraff;rascals;bullies;
地痞流氓 local gangsters who feed on the population;hooligans and gangsters;hooligans and local despots;local ruffians;local ruffians who prey on the residents;local bullies and loafers;
地平 horizon;
地铺 shakedown;
地契 title deed for land;title deed;
地壳 {地质} (the earth's) crust; shell; 地勤 {航空} ground service [duty];地球 the earth;the globe;
地球静止卫星轨道 geostationary satellite orbit;
地球同步轨道 geosynchronous orbit;
地球仪 tellurian;globe;
地区 (较大的地方) area;district;region;(行政划分单位) prefecture;
地区差价 regional price difference;
地区性 provincialism;
地权 land ownership;
地热 {地质} subterranean heat;geothermal energy;the heat of the earth's interior;terrestrial heat;geothermy;
地声 earthquake sounds;earth sound;brontides;
地史学 historical geology;earth history;geochronic geology;
地势 physical features of a place;relief;terrain;topography;
地摊 a stall with goods spread out on the ground for sale;
地毯 carpet;rug;
地毯式轰炸 carpet [blanket] bombing;
地铁 metro;the subway;underground;
地头 (地边儿) edge of a field;[方] (目的地) the destination;[方] (当地) the place;
地头蛇 a local snake — a rascal familiar with the place;an influential gangster in a community;a local tyrant;a local bully;a local villain;
地图 map;
地网 {讯} earth mat;earth screen;grounded counterpoise;counterpoise;back balance;
地委 prefectural Party committee;
地位 (人或团体在社会关系中所处的位置) position;standing;place;status;(人或物所占的地方) place;
地温 {气} ground temperature;earth temperature;
地文航海 geonavigation;
地文学 physical geography;physiography;
地物 {测绘} surface features (usu. man-made features of a region);culture feature;
地峡 {地} isthmus;sowneck;strait;
地下 (地面之下) underground;subterranean:(秘密活动的) secret (activity);underground;
地下室 basement;cellar;dugout;undercroft;
地下水 groundwater;underground water;
地线 {电} earth wire;(ground) wire;ground electrode;ground lead;
地心 {地} the earth's core;
地形 topography;landform;relief;lay of land;relief feature;surface feature;terrain;
地衣 {植} lichen;
地窨子 [口] basement;cellar;
地应力 {地} crustal stress;
地榆 {植} Sanguisorba officinalis;great burnet;garden burnet;
地舆图 atlas;
地域 (相当大的一块地方) region;district;(地方) local;
地狱 inferno;hell;
地震 {地物} earthquake;earthshock;earthdin;temblor;seism;
地震波 earthquake wave;tidal wave;seismic wave;
地政 administrative affairs of the utilization and requisition of land;
地支 {天} terrestrial branch;the twelve Earthly Branches,used in combination with the Heavenly Stems to designate years,months,days and hours;
地址 (居住或通信的地点) address;location;localization;site; {计} {自} (储存器码) address; 地志 {地} topology;chorography;
地质 geology;
地质学 geology;
地中海 the Mediterranean (Sea);
地中衡 (地磅) platform scale;
地轴 axis of the earth;the earth's axis;
地主 (土地占有者) landlord;landowner;(主人) host;
地转 {地物} geostrophy;
地啄木 {动} wryneck;
地租 land rent;ground rent;rent