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单词 土生土长

土生土长tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng

be born and bred here(/locally); be born and brought up on one’s native soil (/in one’s native land); grow out of one’s own soil; indigenous
❍ 这样恶劣的生活环境,给~的当地人,已带来了严重的威胁,对于一个出生在南方的人来说,就更加可怕了。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》37) Under such trying circumstances,even the northerners who were born and bred locally found life quite unbearable,to say nothing of the southerners.
❍ 晓得你不是本地~的,问你是哪一年来的。(周立波《山乡巨变》250) She knows you weren’t born and bred here,and she asked which year you came.
❍ 我们这些干部,大多数是好的,是~,联系群众,经过长期斗争考验的。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—327)Most of them are good cadres,born and brought up on our native soil,linked to the masses and tested in the course of long struggles.
❍ 这是你们自己订的吗?工人们回答:我们这些制度,都是~的。周总理连声说:好,这样做好! (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—112)“Did you formulate them yourselves?”the Premier inquired while reading them. “All native product.”was the reply. “Excellent,” he said,“well done!”


be born and brought up on one’s native soil;locally born and bred

土生土长tǔ shēnɡ tǔ zhǎnɡ

土:本地的,本国的。指本地生的,本国长的。locally born and bred, born and brought up in the locality, homeborn, native-born





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