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单词 lose
lose/lu:z/ v [-s/ ɪz/;lost,lost/lɒst,AmE lɑ:st/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)失去,丧失(no longer have because of deathaccidentbad weatheretc;fail to keep or maintain)[T+n]:~one's job/one's life 失业/丧生;~a leg in an accident 在事故中失去一条腿;~one's hair/one's teeth/one's good looks 脱发/掉牙/失去美貌;She lost her father last year/during the war. 她的父亲去年去世了/在战争中她失去了父亲。~one's confidence/one's composure/one's balance/one's patience失去信心/镇静/平衡/耐心;~one's temper/one's voice发脾气/失语(嗓子哑了);~weight 减轻体重;~interest in sb/sth 对某人/某物失去兴趣;~one's eyesight/memory/health丧失视力/记忆/健康;~one's mind发疯;~control of oneself 控制不住自己;~colour 退色,脸色变得苍白;~one's footing 没站稳摔倒了;They also lost about 230 square miles of territory. 他们还失去了大约230平方英里的领土。
 (2)使毁灭(bring to destruction)[T+n,通常pass]:That ship was lost in the storm. 那条船在暴风雨中沉没了。Both planes were lost in the crash. 两架飞机都被撞毁了。
 (3)丢失,找不到(become unable to find)[T+n]:~one's keys/one's purse/one's watch丢了钥匙/钱包/手表;~one's way/one's bearing 迷了路/迷失了方向;His bicycle was/got lost outside the school. 他的自行车在校门外丢了。A few books have been lost from the library. 图书馆丢失了几本书。〖反〗 find;
 (4)没赶上,错过(fail to catch or use)[T+n]:~one's train 没赶上火车;~a good chance 错过一个好机会;〖同〗miss;
 (5)看(听)不见,不懂,忘记(fail to seehear or understand;fail to keep in sight or memory)[T+n]:They lost each other in the crowds. 他们俩在人群中走散了。What he said was lost in the applause. 他的话被热烈的掌声淹没了。I lost not a word of his speech. 他的讲话我全都听清楚了。I've just lost his name. 我一下忘了他的名字。
 (6)输掉,未能获胜(fail to gain or win)[II+prep(to),T+nT+n+prep(to)]:They lost by 10 points. 他们输了10分。Our team lost to them by three points. 我队以三分之差输给了他们。~a match/a game/a battle/the war 输掉一场比赛/比赛/战斗/战争;~a prize/a motion没有得奖/动议没有通过;~a case/a lawsuit 输掉一场官司;~an argument/a debate 在辩论中失败;We lost the match to them. 在那场比赛中我们输给了他们。His errors lost him the match. 他的失误使他输了那场比赛。〖反〗win;
 (7)损失,受损,失去(cause to no longer have or not to get)[II+prep(on),T+nT+n+prep(by),D+n+n]:The shipping line lost considerably. 这家航运公司受到相当大的损失。How much did he~on the transaction? 这笔交易使他受到多少亏损?We lost $3000 when we sold the house. 在出售那所房子时我们损失了3000美元。He lost $100 by betting on a horse race. 他赌赛马损失了100美元。The young man's arrogance lost him his friends/carelessness lost him the job. 那个年轻人因傲慢而失去了朋友/因粗心大意而失去了工作。A bad cold lost me some time. 一次重感冒耽误了我一些时间。〖反〗gain;
 (8)浪费(spend uselessly;waste)[T+n]:~time doing sth 浪费时间做某事;~one's labour 浪费力气;There is not a moment to~. 刻不容缓。Lost time is never found again. 时间一去不复返。
 (9)(钟表)走得慢((of a clock or a watch) go too slowly by a certain number of minutes)[IT+n]:This watch never~s/~s one minute a day. 这只表从来不慢/每天慢一分钟。〖反〗gain;
 be lost 不知如何是好:He's lost without glasses.不戴眼镜他就不知如何是好。
 be lost in 1)消失:be lost in darkness 消失在黑暗中; 2)陷入(沉思等),被吸引:be lost in thought 陷入沉思;be lost in astonishment/admiration/wonder 不胜惊讶/羡慕/惊异;3)迷路:We were lost in the forest. 我们在森林里迷路了。
 be lost to 失去,没有:be lost to shame/all sense of humour 恬不知耻/一点儿幽默感也没有;
 be lost on (upon) 不起作用,没被注意:The advice was lost on them. 劝告对他们不起作用。The joke was lost upon the audience. 那个笑话对听众没有产生效果。
 lose face 丢脸(面子):He tried to conceal his mistake so as not to~face. 他极力要掩饰自己的错误以便不丢面子。
 lose ground 后撤,失利,情况恶化:Soldiers/The patient began to~ground. 士兵们开始后撤/病人情况开始恶化。
 lose heart 灰心,丧气:Don't~heart,whatever happens. 无论发生什么事都不要灰心丧气。
 lose no time (in)立即:We shall~no time in beginning work. 我们将立即开始工作。
 lose one's grip 不能控制局面,失去力量、能力:His mind has lost its grip. 他的脑子不太灵了。
 lose one's head 惊慌失措,失去控制:When the fire broke out,people lost their heads and ran in all directions. 火灾发生时,人们惊慌失措,四处乱跑。
 lose one's heart to 爱上,喜欢上:She lost her heart to the soldier. 她爱上了那个士兵。
 lose one's tongue 紧张得说不出话来:He would always~his tongue when he was introduced to strangers. 每当介绍他认识陌生人时,他都紧张得说不出话来。
 lose oneself 迷失方向:We lost ourselves in the woods. 我们在树林里迷了路。
 lose oneself in 1)聚精会神于,陷入:She lost herself in a book. 她聚精会神地看书。2)消失:The pickpocket lost himself in the crowd and escaped the police. 那个小偷消失在人群中,没有被警察抓住。
 lose one's nerve 丧失勇气,惊慌:To the very last he never lost his nerve. 直到最后他也从未丧失过勇气。
 lose sight of 1)看不见了:The plane flew so fast that he lost sight of it at once. 飞机飞得很快,他很快就看不见了。2)忘记,忽略:He never lost sight of the fact that he had been born in the slums. 他从来也没有忘记过他出生在贫民窟。
 lose one's shirt 失去一切,输得精光(infml):He lost his shirt in gambling. 他赌博输了个精光。
 lose touch/contact with 和……失去联系:The pilot lost touch/contact with the control tower. 飞行员与指挥塔失去了联系。
 lose track (of)失去联系,不知情况或下落:He's lost all track of her since they left school. 自从学校毕业以后他就不知道她的下落了。
 lose out(v adv)失败,输给,竞争不过(vi):He got through the preliminaries,but lost out in the final. 他通过了预赛,但是在决赛中被淘汰。Some workers have lost out to robots in the factory. 在这家工厂一些工人已被机器人取代。
 →lost adj 丢(丧)失的;迷路的;不知所措的;′loser n 失败者;loss n





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