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单词 loose
loose/lu:s/ adj [-r/-st]; vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n

adj (1)(宽)松的,不紧的(not tight;not firmly stretched):a~collar/belt 宽松的衣领/皮带;~skin 松弛的皮肤;She wore a long,~coat. 她穿一件宽松式的长大衣。Is that shirt~enough? 那件衬衣够宽松吗?〖反〗 tight;

(2)松开的,无约束的(not tied;free)[无comp]:let (set/turn) a person/an animal~把人/动物放开(释放);The dog is running~in the yard. 狗在院子里自由跑动。The horse is running~in the field. 马在田野里自由奔跑。get one's arms/legs~手臂/腿挣脱捆绑;break~挣脱出来,摆脱;cut~脱离约束,摆脱;尽情欢乐;the~end of a rope 绳子松开的一头;Her hair hung~to her shoulders. 她的头发披散在肩上。

(3)不牢固的(not firmly fixed):a~handle/tooth/wheel/screw 松动的把手/牙齿/轮子/螺丝钉;a~door/window 松动的门/窗;The buttons on my coat are~. 我外衣上的扣子松了。The hinge has come/worked~. 这个合页松了。

(4)散装的,未装订的(not in a packetbox;not bound)[无 comp]:~biscuits/sweets 散装饼干/糖果;I bought those nails~. 我买的是散装的钉子。~leaves 活页纸;a~-leaf notebook 活页笔记本;

(5)疏松的,不结实的(not compact or compactly constructed):~soil 疏松的土壤;a~frame 不结实的框架;cloth of~texture 质地稀疏的布;cloth with a~weave 织得稀疏的棉布;

(6)组织松散的(not strict controlled):The country has a~federal structure. 这个国家实行松散的联邦制。a~confederation of states 松散的联邦;

(7)不精确的,不严谨的,模糊的(not exact;vague):a~translation/agreement 不拘泥于原文的译文/不严谨的协定;a~explanation of what a word means 对一个词的含义不准确的解释;The contract was rather~. 那个合同很不严谨。

(8)不负责任的(irresponsible):~talk 不负责任的谈话;have a~tongue 随口乱讲;

(9)放荡的(sexually immoral):a~woman 放荡的女人;~behaviour 放荡的行为;lead a~life 过放荡的生活;

at a loose end/(AmE)loose ends 闲着无事,无所事事:Feeling at~ends,I went for a long walk. 感到无事可干,我就去长距离散步。He had finished college but hadn't found a job yet,so he was at a~end. 他已大学毕业,但还没有找到工作,所以闲着无事可做。

let sb loose on sth 任由某人去做:let sb~on a job 任由某人去做一项工作;

play fast and loose 玩弄(感情),不负责任:He played fast and~with the girl's affections. 他玩弄那个姑娘的感情。

have loose bowels 拉肚子;

→′loosely adv(宽)松地;松散地;无约束地;不严格地;′loosen v 解开,放松,松弛;′looseness n(宽)松;松散(动);不严格;

vt放(松,解)开(set free;let fly;unbind)[T+n]:~the dog/hounds 把狗/猎犬放开;~an animal from a cage 把动物从笼子里放出来;~an arrow into the air 把箭射向空中;~a knot 解开绳结;They~d the prisoners' bonds and set them free. 他们给囚犯松了绑,把他们放了。

n give (a) loose to 放纵(想象),发泄(感情):give a~to one's fancy 海阔天空地去想象;give (a)~to one's feelings/passion 痛快地发泄自己的感情/激情;

(be) on the~无拘束的,自由的;寻欢作乐:a dog on the~没有拴住的狗;a criminal on the~逍遥法外的罪犯;The visitors are on the~in the town.游客们在城里纵情寻欢作乐。






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