我国~辽阔,资源丰富。Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources./农民对~有使用权、经营权和收益权,有条件的地方还可以实行有偿转让。Farmers have the right to farm and manage their land and to derive returns from it. In places where conditions are available,land may be transferable wih compensation./耕耘~ till the land/批出~契约grant leases of land/肥沃的~fertile land/可耕~arable land/贫瘠的~poor land/所有权未定的~land in abeyance /~管理land stewardship/~分割land fragmentation/~租赁land lease/~管制措施land control measures/ ~承包期 land contract period/~出让land transfer/~法land law;agrarian law/~改革land reform;agrarian reform/~集中concentration of landholdings/~契约land lease/~沙化desertification of land;desert encroachment/~使用land use /~使用费land-use fee/~使用税land-use tax/~使用制度land-use system/~使用权landuse right/~使用权的有偿转让sale of landuse rights/~使用权流转制度land-use rights transfer system/~酸化land acidification/~税land tax /~所有权proprietary rights of land /~所有制 system of land ownership;land ownership/~有偿使用制度system of paying for land use/~征用expropriate land;land requisition/~证land certificate; land deed;land warrant/~政策land policy