v (1)看,望(direct one's eyes in order to see)[I,I+prep(at),I+adv,T+n]:~but see nothing 看了看,可是什么也没看见;~cautiously around/straight ahead 谨慎地环顾四周/看正前方;He happened to be~ing another way. 他恰巧在看别处。L~and see how clever she is. 看她有多么聪明。L~before you leap.(prov)三思而后行。~at sb/sth blankly/coldly/curiously/nervously/reproachfully/scornfully 毫无表情/冷冷/好奇/神情紧张/责备/轻蔑地看某人/某物;~at the rain pouring down 看着雨哗哗地下;~about a room 四下打量一个房间;He~ed after the train as it left the station. 他目送火车离站。~before/behind one 向前/身后看;~from the window into a neighbour's garden 从窗户看邻居的花园;~in a mirror/in that direction 照镜子/朝那个方向看;~into darkness/a box 向暗处/箱子里面看;~out of the window 向窗外看;~over one's spectacles 从眼镜上方看;~through a window/a telescope 透过窗户/望远镜看;~toward(s) the east往东面看;~up a street 顺着街望去;~about/around/ahead/back向四下/四下/前/后看;~before and after瞻前顾后;~carefully/down/up/round 仔细地/向下/向上/回头看;~sb in the face/up and down 正面注视/上下打量某人;~death/one's enemy in the face 勇敢面对死亡/敌人;Don't~a gift horse in the mouth.(prov)不要对礼物吹毛求疵。
(2)注意,查看(draw attention to;observe)[I+prep(at),T+wh][尤用于imper]:Goodness,~at the time. I promised I'd be home at six. 天啊,看现在几点钟啦。我答应6点钟到家的。Now~what you've done. 看看你做了些什么。L~where you are going!You nearly knocked the boy over. 你看看你在往哪儿走!你差点儿把这男孩撞倒。L~whether the postman has come yet. 看看邮递员是否来了。
(3)看起来(上去),显得,好像(seem or appear to be)[L+adj,L+n,L+prep(like)]:~cheerful/happy/healthy/ill/nervous/pale/sad/strong/tired显得(看起来)快活/愉快/健康/有病/紧张/苍白/难过/健壮/疲劳;~embarrassed/offended/surprised 看起来尴尬/生气/吃惊;She~s young for her age. 她看起来比实际年龄小。He~s an honest man. 他看起来是个诚实的人。She doesn't~her age. 看上去她不像那样年龄的人。It~s a lovely house. 看起来那是座很不错的房子。He~s to be the best person for the job. 看起来他做这份工作最合适。It~s like rain/It~s as if/as though it will rain. 看来要下雨了。It~s like sugar and it is sugar. 那看起来像糖,实际也是糖。The weather doesn't~like clearing up. 看起来天气不会放晴。She~s as if/as though she's going to cry/she'd seen a ghost. 她好像要哭了/见了鬼似的。
(4)寻找(求)(try to find;search)[I,I+prep(for)]:~everywhere 四处寻找;~for sb/a job/a book 寻找某人/一份工作/一本书;~about for a new house 到处寻找一所新房子;~for a peaceful settlement to a dispute 寻求一种和平解决争端的办法;You are~ing for trouble. 你在自找麻烦。L~for a needle in a haystack.(prov)海底捞针。
(5)用目光 (脸色) 表示 (express by one's looks or appearance)[T+n]:~one's thanks/hatred 露出感谢/仇恨的表情;~daggers at sb 怒目而视某人;He didn't say anything but~ed all interest. 他什么话也没说,但露出很感兴趣的样子。
(6)朝(面)向(be facing or turned in a certain direction)[I+prep,I+adv]:The house~s to the south. 这房子面朝南。a house~ing on the street/towards the sea/seaward 临街/面向大海的房子;My window~s out on/onto/over a garden. 我的窗户对着花园。a house~ing south/seaward 面朝南/向大海的房子;
be looking to do sth 设法做某事:The municipal government is~ing to solve the housing problem. 市政府在设法解决住房问题。
look bad/not look good 不合适(常规):It~s bad not to attend/attending his funeral. 不去参加他的葬礼看起来不合适。
look bad/black (for...)预示不祥(糟糕):The situation~s bad for him. 情况对他不妙。As prices dropped lower and lower,things~ed black for Henry's company. 由于价格一降再降,亨利公司的情况非常不妙。
look here 注意,听我说:L~here,I can't agree with you. 听着,我不能同意你的观点。
(not) look oneself(不)像平常那样(健康、正常):Mary had had a long illness,but now she~ed quite herself again. 玛莉病了很长时间,但是现在看起来她又恢复了健康。Larry doesn't~himself today. 拉里今天看起来有点儿不正常(可能病了或心烦意乱)。
never/not look back 继续兴旺(成功)(infml):From then on,he has never~ed back. 从此以后他就不断地取得新的成就。
to look at sb/sth 由外表判断:To~at him you'd never guess that he is a college teacher. 看他的样子你绝对想不到他是位大学老师。
not be much to look at 不起眼,外表平平(infml):The hotel is not much to~at. 这家旅馆的外表平淡无奇。
look after (v prep)照管(顾,看),负责处理(vt):~after the luggage/the children/oneself 照看行李/照看孩子/自己照顾自己;I'll~after the bill. 我来负责付账。
look ahead (v adv)展望未来(vi):~far ahead into the future 展望遥远的未来;~ahead five years 展望五年以后的事;
look alive 快点干(常用作命令):“L~alive there,”the boss called. 老板喊道:“快点干。”
look at (v prep) 1)看(待):(vt):~at a problem all-sidedly 全面地看问题; 2)考虑(vt):They wouldn't~at my proposal. 他们不愿考虑我的建议。3)查看(vt):He came to~at the drainage. 他是来查看下水道的。
look back (on/to)(v adv)回顾(想)(vi):I like to~back on my high-school day. 我喜欢回顾我的中学时代。
look down (up)on (v adv prep)看不起,蔑视(vt):~down on sb/this kind of work 看不起某人/这种工作;be~ed down upon 被人看不起;
look for (v prep)期待(vt):~for sb's arrival 期待某人的到来;
look forward to (v adv prep)期待,盼望(vt):~forward to a holiday at home/hearing from sb 盼望回家度假/某人来信;
look in on (v adv prep)顺便看望(vt):On his way downtown,he~ed in on his aunt. 在去闹市区的路上他顺便看望了他的姑妈。
look into (v prep)调查(vt):Your complaint is being~ed into. 正在对你的投诉进行调查。
look on (v adv)旁观(vi):In no case will they~on passively. 他们决不会袖手旁观。
look on (upon) (v prep)看待(作)(vt):~on sb as a child/sth as useless/sb with distrust 把某人当孩子看待/认为某事无用/不信任某人;
look out (v adv)当心,注意(vi):L~out!There's a train coming. 当心!火车来了。
look out for (v adv prep) 1)提防(vt):L~out for snakes. 提防有蛇。2)注意,留心找(vt):~out for mistakes 注意查看有无错误;Please~out for a good teacher for us. 请留心给我们找个好老师。
look over (v adv)审阅,检查,查看(vt):~over an article/a plan 审阅一篇文章/一个计划;~over a house/the food in the refrigerator 查看一所房子/冰箱里的食物;
look round (v prep)游览,观光(vt):We went to~round the town. 我们去城里观光。
look through sb 视而不见,故意不理睬:I said “good morning” but she~ed through me and walked on. 我说了声“早上好”,可她却故意不理我,径直往前走去。
look through sth 查看,浏览:L~through your notes before the exam. 考试前浏览一下你的笔记。
look sth through 仔细查看(阅读),审查:~a report through 仔细阅读一份报告;The auditors~ed the bank's books through.审计员仔细审查银行的账本。
look to (v prep) 1)照料,负责,注意(vt):Let me~to the matter. 我来负责处理这件事。L~to it that this doesn't happen again. 注意不要让这种事再发生了。2)指望,找……取得帮助(vt):~to sb for help/support/guidance 找某人寻求帮助/支持/指导;I~to you to support me in this matter. 我指望你在这件事上支持我。
look up (v adv) 1)好转(vi):Things are~ing up. 情况正在好转。2)查找(vt):~up a word in a dictionary/a person in Who's Who 在词典里查一个词/在《名人录》里查一个人; 3)看望,拜访(vt):I want to~them up sometime. 我想什么时候去看望他们。
look up to (v adv prep)敬仰,尊敬(vt):I've always~ed up to him. 我一向敬仰他。
→′looker-on n 旁观者;′looking-glass n 镜子;′look-out n 瞭望台(员);警戒;注意;前景(途);͵look-over n 浏览,查找;′look-through n 快(速)读;
interj(用于唤起注意或表示不悦等)哎,喂:L~,I don't want to talk about this. 哎,我可不愿意谈这事。
n (1)看,一瞥(act of looking;glance)[C,通常sing]:cast/dart/give/throw an angry~at sb (sb an angry~)愤怒地瞥了某人一眼;shoot/steal a~at sb/sth 看/偷看某人/物一眼;get/have/take a~at sb/sth 看一看某人/某物;take a contemptuous/close/good/hasty/last~at... 轻蔑/仔细/好好/匆忙地/最后看一看……;give sb a come-hither~向某人暗送秋波;give sb a dirty/furious/shy/queer~瞪/非常愤怒地瞪/羞怯地看/目光古怪地看某人一眼;take a second/another~at... 再看一下……;
(2)眼神,表情(expression of the eyes or the face)[C]:exchange~s 交换眼色;put on a serious~摆出一副严肃的面孔;wear a puzzled~带着迷惑的神情;A~of disappointment passed over her face. 她的脸上掠过失望的神情。a blank/despairing/disappointed/frank/curious/guilty/mischievous/pensive/reproachful/solemn/weary/woebegone~in one's eyes (on one's face) 眼睛里(脸上)露出茫然/绝望/失望/坦率/好奇/内疚/调皮/沉思/责备/庄重/疲惫/愁苦的神(表)情; an anxious/inviting~ 焦急/诱人的神(表)情; a~of pleasure/fear/relief 快活/恐惧/宽慰的表情;
(3)样子,外表,面貌(appearance of a thing)[C]:This old factory has taken on a new~. 这家老厂换了新貌。This Asian town has a European~. 这个亚洲小镇的外貌具有欧洲的风格。The house has a dismal~. 这所房子外表阴森森的。
(4)容貌,模样(person's appearance)[pl]:impair/spoil/improve sb's~s 损坏/破坏/修整某人的容貌;She's beginning to lose her~s. 她的容颜渐老。have good~s 相貌好(漂亮);The twin girls are almost identical in~s. 这对孪生姐妹的相貌几乎一模一样。Don't judge a person by/from his~s.不要以貌取人。