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单词 国泰民安

国泰民安guó tài mín ān

a contented people live in a country at peace;the state is prosperous and the people live in peace
❍ 大家就先来赏鉴这些字,争论得几乎打架之后,才决定以写着“~”的一块为第一,……(鲁迅《故事新编》39) First everyone admired the cal ligraphy and,after disputing till they nearly came to blows,decided that the first place should be given to the inscription: “The state is prosperous,the people at peace”./有一天, 沟不臭, 水又清, ~享太平。(《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》7) There’ll come a day when the Ditch won’t stink,and the water will be sweet. Then our land will be great,the people happy,and the world at peace.


state prosperous and people at peace


the country flourishes and people live in peace;the country enjoys prosperity and the people live in peace

国泰民安ɡuó tài mín ān

国家太平,人民安乐。the country is prosperous and the people at peace, the country be great, the people happy, the state is prosperous and the people at peace





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