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单词 loan
loan/lǝ ʊn, AmE loʊn/ n & vt

n (1)贷款(money lent)[C]:float/negotiate a~筹集/商定一笔贷款;make a~to sb 给某人贷款;get/receive a~得到一笔贷款;pay off/repay a~还清/偿还贷款;a bank~银行贷款;domestic/foreign~s 内/外债;an emergency/illegal/interest-free~紧急/非法/无息贷款;a low-interest/long-term/short-term~低息/长期/短期贷款;a government/public~公债;The money is a~from Jim. 这钱是向吉姆借的。a~on personal guarantee/on security 个人担保/抵押贷款;

(2)借出物(thing that is lent)[C]:The book/car is a~. 这本书/辆车是借来的。a~from another language 外来语;

(3)借(出)(act of lending or being lent)[U]:get the~of a book 借到一本书;May I have the~of your pen?我可以借用一下你的钢笔吗?I asked him for the~of a book. 我向他借一本书。~shark 放高利贷的人;

on loan 借来(出):We have the car on~from a friend. 这车是我们从朋友那里借来的。He's on~to another movie studio for a film.他被另一家电影制片厂借去拍一部电影。

vt借出(贷)(lend)[T+nD+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:Can you~me 20 dollars? 你能借给我20美元吗? He~ed me several magazines.他借给我几本杂志。Those paintings have been~ed to the art gallery. 那几幅画借给美术馆了。〖同〗lend;〖反〗borrow;

→′loan-word n 外来词





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