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单词 arrange
arrange/ ə′reɪndʒ/ v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /d/; -eing / ɪ ŋ /]

(1)整理,排列,布置(place in proper or pleasing order)[T+n]:~the flowers in a vase/the books on the shelves/the words alphabetically/the chairs in pair 把花插在花瓶里/把书架上的书整理好/把字按字母顺序排列/把椅子摆成对;He ~d the plants in his garden in neat rows.他把花园里的植物整整齐齐地种成一排排的。~one's bedroom/one's papers 整理卧室/文件;~one's duties/one's business affairs 把任务/事务安排好;〖同〗group,range,rank;〖反〗disarrange,scatter;

(2)安排,准(筹)备(plan the details of (a future event) in advance)[T+n T+prep(for),T+to-infC+prep(for)+to-inf]:~a meeting/a holiday/a dinner/an itinerary/a program/a timetable/sb's marriage 安排会议/休假/晚宴/旅行计划/节目/时间表/某人的婚事;Now everything is~d.现在一切都安排停当。~transportation/a taxi (for tourists)(为旅游者)安排交通工具/出租车;~for a concert on Friday 安排周五举行音乐会;~to be there at two o'clock/to start the next morning 安排好两点到那里/第二天上午动身;~for a car (to pick sb at four)/a meeting (to take place on Monday)/a man (to come whenever needed)安排好一辆车(4点接某人)/一个会议(于周一开)/一个人(需要时随时来);~for sb to meet the leader/to leave the city at ten 安排某人见那位领导/10点离开城市;〖同〗 plan,schedule,prepare;

(3)商定,说定(come to an agreement with sb about sth)[I+prep(with,about),C+prep(with)+to-infT+to-infT+nT+n+prepT+that(should),T+wh]:~with sb about a taxi/feeding the cat 与某人商定好叫出租车/喂猫的事;~with the grocer for regular deliveries与杂货商说妥定时送货;~with one's friend to meet at the gate/John to visit sb on Sunday和朋友说好在大门口见面/和约翰说好周日去拜访某人;~to meet in the street/to see Jack tomorrow约好在街上见面/明天去看杰克;The friends~d a meeting for next week.朋友们商定下周见面。The dealers~d prices for the goods.商人们商定了商品的价格。~a place/a time for the next meeting 商定下次见面的地点/时间;~that sb should come occasionally to help/sb will be there at four o'clock说妥某人不时地来帮忙/4点到那里;It was~d that she should go to France/they should leave the next year.说妥了她去法国/他们下一年离开。~with sb that one could borrow his car与某人谈妥借用他的汽车;They~d by which train they should come back.他们谈妥了乘哪趟火车回来。〖同〗agree to,settle;

(4)改写(编)(set out a piece of music for a particular instrumentvoiceetc)[T+nT+n+prep(for)]:~a symphony 改写一部交响乐曲;~an old piece of music/a song (for the piano)改写一首古曲/歌(为钢琴曲);This music has been ~d for choir/orchestra/the piano.这曲子已改写成了合唱曲/管弦乐曲/钢琴曲。〖同〗adapt;

→ ar′rangement n;

【辨异】arrange organize plan都可表示“整理,排列”;此时,arrange指按适当的顺序排列好;organize(组织)指安排成系统,如:organize one's ideas(理清思绪);plan(设计)指安排好的计划,如:plan a garden(设计一个花园);这三个词还都可表示“准备,安排”,此时,arrange a meeting 指邀请与会人员,organize a meeting指做好会务工作,plan a meeting指细定议事日程、时间长短等。





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