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单词 固执己见

固执己见gù zhí jǐ jiàn

stubbornly adhere to (/persist in) one’s own opinions; be wedded to one’s(own) opinions; follow one’s bigoted course; have a set mind; self-opinionated
❍ 但是虚心接受别人的经验也属必需,如果样样要待自己经验,否则~拒不接受,这就是十足的 “狭隘经验论”。(《毛泽东选集》197) But it is also necessary to learn with an open mind from other people’s experience,and it is sheer “narrow empiricism” to insist on one’s own personal expe rience in all matters and,in its absence,to adhere stubbornly to one’s own opinions and reject other people’s experience.
❍ 老许是个十分严格的人,有着普通工人那种凡事都过于认真的脾气,甚至有些~,…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》135) For he was strict and had the usual worker’s habit of being too much concerned about details. Xu Yunfeng was also rather self opinionated,…/人,一上了年纪,就爱~,偏重保守了!(梁斌《红旗谱》67) Old men are stubborn! What a stick-in-the-mud!


stubbornly cling to one’s position (or opinion)
以严肃认真的态度规劝该国不要~ talk to that country in a straightforward manner and dissuade it from stubbornly clinging to its position

固执己见ɡǔ zhí jǐ jiàn

顽固地坚持自己的意见,不肯改变。stubbornly adhere to one’s opinions, follow one’s bigoted course, sit tight, go one’s own way, stick to one’s guns, stand to one’s guns





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:32:34