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(结实;牢固;坚硬) firm;hard;solid:坚 ~ strong;
稳 ~ firm;stable;
本 ~ 枝荣。 When the root is firm,the branches flourish. Ⅱ ❶ (坚决地;坚定地) firmly;resolutely:~ 请 firmly invite;~ 辞 resolutely refuse;firmly decline
❷ [书] (本来;原本) originally;in the first place;as a matter of course:~ 当如此。 It is just as it should be.
❸ [书] (固然) certainly;admittedly;assuredly:乘车 ~ 可,乘船亦无不可。 Admittedly we can make the journey by train,but there is no harm in our travelling by boat. Ⅲ ❶ (使坚固) solidify;consolidate;strengthen:~ 堤 strengthen the dyke
❷ [书] (保卫;防御) defend:~ 国不以山溪之险。 It's not high mountains and deep valleys that best serve to defend a country. Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname:~ 乘 Gu Cheng
◆固崩止带 {中医} curing metrorrhagia and leukorrhagia;stanching metrorr hagia-leukorrhea;
固表利水 {中医} consolidating superficial resistance to cause diuresis;
固表止汗 {中医} strengthening exterior and reducing sweat;
固步自封 continue walking in the old steps and seclude oneself;be a standpatter and be proud of it;be self-satisfied with being a stick-in- the-mud;rest complacently on one's laurels;remain where one is,without desire to advance further;rest content with old practice;stick to the beaten track;limit one's own progress;stand still and refuse to make progress;unwilling to move forward;
固冲汤 {中药} Guchong Tang;Decoction for Reinforcing chong channel;
固氮 nitrogen fixation;
固定 fixed;regular;fasten fix;regularize;fixation;immobilization;make fast;mount;rigid fixing;settlement;slewing;{生} fix;
固定长(度) fixed length;
固定成本 fixed cost;
固定程序 fixed routine;fixed program;
固定床 {化工} fixed bed;static bed;stationary bed;
固定端 stiff end;fixed end;built-in end;attachment end;
固定频率 fixed-frequency;
固定式 stationary type;{数} permanent;
固定收入 fixed income;regular income;income sources;
固定数据 fixed data;
固定性 stationarity;
固定值 fixed value;
固定周期 fixed cycle;
固定资本 fixed capital;
固定资产 fixed assets;capital assets;permanent assets;
固封舱 strong compartment;
固氦 solid helium;
固化 {地质} welding;solidify;solidifying;consolidation;solidification;
固瘕 watery diarrhea with hard fecal masses discharged at first and then undigested food;chronic diarrhea;
固紧 set up;
固精 {中医} controlling nocturnal emission with astringent drugs;
固精止带 {中医} treating spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia;arresting spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia;
固井 {石油} well cementation;
固陋不义 rustic and ignorant;
固然 no doubt;it is true;true;of course;admittedly;
固溶体 sosoloid;solid solution;
固若金汤 (city's defenses) as strong as iron;be secure against assault;strongly fortified;impregnable;
固色 fixation;
固涩 {中医} astringent or styptic treatment for spontaneous sweating,seminal emission,chronic diarrhoea,anal prolapse,uterine bleeding,etc.;inducing astringency;arresting discharge;
固涩止汗 {中医} stopping perspiration with astringents;
固沙 stabilization of sands;
固肾 {中医} reinforce the kidney;
固肾涩精 {中医} reinforcing the kidney and controlling noctural emission;
固守 defend tenaciously;by firmly entrenched in;
固守成法 adhere stubbornly to statute law;stick to an old way;
固缩 {植} pyknosis;
固态 {物} solid state;solid phase;solidity;
固体 solid body;solid;solidity;
固体电路 solid-state circuit;solid circuit;
固体废物 solid waste;
固体火箭 {航空} solid rocket;
固体燃料 solid fuel;
固体润滑(法) solid lubrication;
固体声 solid-borne noise; 固体推进剂 solid propellant; solid rocket fuel;{材} solid rocket propellant;
固线头针迹 barring stitch;
固相 solid phase;solidoid;
固泄 {中医} retention and incontinence of urine and feces;
固有 intrinsic;inherent;inherence;innate;
固执 obstinate;stubborn;persist in;cling to;
固执己见 stubborn;adhere to one's opinion;abide by one's opinion;adhere stubbornly to one's own ideas;stick to one's own view;cling obstinately to one's own opinions;hold to one's opinion;have a will of one's own;opinionated;persist in one's views;stand by one's opinion;sit tight;stubbornly persist in one's opinions;wedded to one's own ideas [opinion(s)];固执如驴 be as stubborn as mules;
固着 set;fixation; 固座摇椅 base rocker;base rocking chair





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