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单词 围城打援

围城打援wéi chéng dǎ yuán

besiege a city to annihilate the enemy relief force; besiege the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements
❍ 只有在 “~”的方针下,目的不在打围敌,而在打援敌,对围敌作战是准备着相当地持久的,但对援敌仍然是速决。(《毛泽东选集》218) It is only when our plan is to“besiege the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements”and our purpose is to strike not at the besieged enemy but at his reinforcements that we are prepared for a certain degree of protractedness in our besieging operations;but even then we seek a quick decision against the reinforcements.

围城打援wei cheng da yuan

beseige an enemy stronghold in order to strike at enemy reinforcements


besieging the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements

围城打援wéi chénɡ dǎ yuán

援:援兵。指进攻的一方以一部分兵力包围敌人,诱使敌人从其他地方派兵救援,再以事先部署好的主力部队来歼灭敌人的援兵。其目的不在打围敌,而在打援敌。besiege a city to annihilate the enemy relief force, lay siege to a city to annihilate the enemy relief force





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更新时间:2025/3/14 21:05:30