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❶ (四周拦挡起来, 使里外不通; 环绕) enclose; surround; corral: 包 ~ encircle; surround; 团团 ~ 住 completely surround; encircle; besiege; ~ 着桌子坐 sit around a table; 用篱笆 ~ 住院子 enclose a yard with a fence; 一群人 ~ 着他。 A crowd surrounded him.
❷ (绕; 裹) wrap: ~ 着围裙 wear an apron; 脖子上 ~ 一条毛线围巾 have a woolen scarf around one's neck; 她把围巾 ~ 得紧一些。 She wrapped her shawl closer about her. Ⅱ ❶ (四周) all round; around: 首都外 ~ the periphery of the capital; 村子四 ~ 都是菜地。 All around the village are vegetable fields.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 正 Wei Zheng Ⅲ (两手拇指和食指或两只胳膊合拢的长度): 树粗两 ~ a tree trunk two arm spans around
◆围坝 {土} box dam; 围坝堵水 dam in; 围板 coaming; 围脖儿 [方] muffler; scarf; 围捕 stalking; 围捕(作业) seining; 围场 hunting grounds; [英方] parrock; 围城 encircle a city; besiege a city; besieged city; 围城打援 besiege a city to annihilate the enemy relief force; besiege the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements; 围刺网 circle gill net; surrounding gillnet; encircling gillnet; 围堤 batardeau; 围点打援 encircle an enemy post in order to attack reinforcements coming to its aid; 围而不攻 encircle without attacking; 围伐 cut with the axe; 围攻 besiege; lay siege to; jointly speak or write against sb.; jointly attack sb.; 围龟 a surname; 围海拓地 reclaim fields from the sea; build dykes to reclaim land from the sea; gain land from the sea; 围海造田 reclaim land from the sea; reclaim sea bottom land and plant it to crops; 围护结构 building enclosure; 围护物 fender; 围护桩 {土} fender post; guard post; 围击 besiege; lay siege to; 围歼 surround and annihilate; 围剿 encircle and suppress; 围巾 scarf; bandelet(te); muffler; neckerchief;kerchief; cloud; wraps; 围垦 enclose tideland for cultivation; (build dykes to)reclaim land from marshes; 围口 peristomice;
围困 besiege; hem in; pin down; strand; 围栏 impalement; rail; grate; enclosure; 围拢 crowd around; 围炉而坐 sit around the fire; 围炉烘衣 sit around the stove to dry off one's clothing; 围炉取暖 sit round a fire to get warm; 围屏 {工美} (folding) screen;
围棋 weiqi, a game played with black and white pieces on a board of 361 crosses; go; 围墙 closure; bawn; parapet; wall; leader; enclosure; enclosing wall; inclosure wall; 围裙 apron; pinafore; [苏格兰] daidle; sarong; 围绕 round; around; centre on; revolve round; move round; embrace; encompassment; enclose; 围网 encircling gear; purse seine; round haul net [seine]; purse net; 围魏救赵 “besiege Wei to rescue Zhao” — relieve the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers; relieve the State of Zhao by besieg ̄ing the state of Wei; rescue the Kingdom of Zhao by besieg ̄ing the capital of the Kingdom of Wei; save the Zhao by besieging the capital of the Wei; 围堰 cofferdam; batardeau; coffer; 围养 culture in enclosure; 围腰布 kusak; 围者如堵 The spectators stood round like a wall.; The crowd is so thick in the street that one can hardly get through it.; 围追堵截 encirclement, pursuit, obstruction and interception; 围桌而坐 sit round the table; 围子 defensive wall; stockade surrounding a village; curtain; 围嘴儿 bib





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