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单词 囫囵吞枣

囫囵吞枣hú lún tūn zǎo

swallow whole—lap up information without digesting it; read without understanding; take all in indiscriminately; uncritical(/indiscriminate) assimilation
❍ 我们对于优秀的文学遗产,要批判地继承,决不能~。We should critically take over fine literary legacies; we should never swallow anything raw and whole.
❍ 我们要有步骤地去做,使他们参加生产,逐渐地改造成为新人,不是~,一下子都混进来。(《周恩来选集》328) We should do it step by step and have them participate in production and gradually be transformed into new people. We can’t just take them all in immediataly and indiscrimi nately.

囫囵吞枣hu lun tun zao

swallow a date whole—read without understanding

囫囵吞枣hú lún tūn zǎo

囫囵:没有被分离过的完整物体。吃枣时不嚼,一古脑儿吞下去。比喻对所学的知识不作深刻理解。read without understanding, swallow it whole, take all indiscriminately, gulp down without thought





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