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单词 因循守旧

因循守旧yīn xún shǒu jiù

be content with old ways; follow the beaten track (/path); follow the conventional way and get into a rut; get stuck in a groove; go round like a horse in a mill; lockstep;stick to old ways (/practices/routine)
❍ 有些人受习惯势力的影响,~。Influenced by the force of habit,some people often follow the conventional way and get into a rut.
❍ 我们要努力学习国内和世界上的先进科学技术,决不能~,固步自封。We should strive to learn advanced science and technology,domestic and foreign,and must not get stuc kin a groove and rest content with old practices.


stick to old ways (or old conventions);follow the beaten track(or path); follow old customs;continue in the same old rut;business as usual

因循守旧yīn xún shǒu jiù

因循:沿袭。沿袭过去的做法,不加改进。形容保守,不求改观。stick to old ways, follow the beaten track, get into a rut





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