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[书] (沿袭) follow; carry on: 陈陈相 ~ follow a set routine; stay in the same old groove Ⅱ ❶ [书] (凭借; 根据) on the basis of; in accordance with; in the light of: 疗效 ~人而异。 The curative effect varies from person to person.
❷ (由于; 因为) because of; as a result of: 他 ~ 锅炉爆炸而受伤。 He was injured as the result of a boiler explosion. ~ 雨, 比赛延期了。 The game was postponed because of rain Ⅲ ❶ (原因)cause; reason: 近[内; 外] ~ immediate [internal; external] cause; 事出有 ~。 There is good reason for it.; It is by no means accidental.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 礼 Yin Li Ⅳ (因为) because; for: ~ 病请假 ask for sick leave; 我们不能去, ~ 天正下着雨。 We can't go, for it is raining. 我们在加油站停下来, ~ 我们需要加油。 We stopped at the filling station because we needed gasoline.
◆因变数 dependent variable; function; 因材施教 teach students in accordance with their aptitude; educate someone according to his natural ability; modify one's way of teaching to suit the special requirements of each class or case; 因此 therefore; hence; consequently; thus; for this reason; so; 因次 {物} dimension; 因地制宜 suit one's measures to local conditions; act according to circumstances; adopt measures suiting local conditions; do the right thing at the right place; do what is suitable to the occasion; in the light of local conditions; 因而 thus; as a result; with the result that; 因果 cause and effect; {宗} karma; preordained fate; 因果论 theory of causation; causationism; 因祸得福 get good out of misfortune; a fault on the right side; Luck grows out of adversity.; profit from a misfortune; 因陋就简 make do with whatever is available; make the best of existing facilities; make use of the available conditions; 因明 {逻} Indian classical logic; 因人成事 rely on others for success in work; achieve sth. with the help of sb.; do sth. by [with] the help of others; rely upon others in accomplishing sth.; 因人而异 It differs from man to man.; It varies from person to person.; vary with each individual; 因人设事 create a job in order to accommodate a person; 因人制宜 treatment chosen according to the variability of physique of an individual; suit measures to different persons; 因时制宜 do the right thing at the right time; act according to circumstances; do what is proper according to the circumstances; 因式 {数} factor; 因势利导 guide... in the light of its general trend; exploit a given situation for all possible favorable factors for one's benefit; guide... along its natural course of development; in the light of its general tendency; turn a thing to advantage; 因数 factor; coefficient; 因素 factor; element; 因素分析法 method of factor analysis; 因素论 {哲} theory of factors; 因为 because; for; on account of; 因小失大 lose a great deal through trying to save a little; lose the greater for the less; Penny-wise, pound- foolish; suffer a big loss for a little gain; 因循 follow; carry on as before; continue in the same old rut; procrastinate; 因噎废食 give up eating for fear of choking; give up an undertaking on account of a small obstacle; stop eating altogether just because of hiccup; The scalded dog fears cold water.; throw away the apple because of its [the] core; 因由 reason; cause; origin; 因缘 {佛教} cause; principal and subsidiary causes; predestined relationship; 因子 divisor; factor; determiner; determinant





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