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单词 回光返照

回光返照迴光返照huí guāng fǎn zhào

the last radiance of the setting sun—momentary recovery of consciousness just before death; a brief glow of life (/health) before death (/passing away); a lightning before death;a short deathbed reviviscence;a sudden spurt of activity prior to collapse; the dying flicker of a man’s life
❍ 贾母又瞧了一瞧宝钗,叹了口气,只见脸上发红。贾政知是~,……(《红楼梦》423) Next the old lady looked at Baochai and sighed. Her face was flushed now,a sign as Jia Zheng knew that the end was near.
❍ 此时李纨见黛玉略缓,明知是~的光景,却料着还有一半天耐头,自己回到稻香村,料理了一会事情。(《红楼梦》1278) Li Wan knew that this lucid interval and slight rallying were the prelude to the end,but thinking that still a few hours away she went back to Paddy-Sweet Cottage to see to some business.

回光返照hui guang fan zhao

❶last radiance of the setting sun
❷momentary recovery of consciousness just before death


last radiance of the setting sun—momentary recovery of consciousness just before death


last glow of the setting sun—temporary clearing up of mind or momentary recovery of consciousness before death; a flash of lucidity of the dying





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更新时间:2025/1/19 3:42:45