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单词 四海为家

四海为家sì hǎi wéi jiā

be at home in every place;make a home everywhere; make one’s home wherever one is;settle down anywhere within the four seas;the whole world is one’s home
❍ 对进藏的汉族工作人员,周总理总是强调要~,要对西藏的情况进行调查研究,要和藏族人民团结一致,艰苦奋斗,共同对敌。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ —211) Premier Zhou repeatedly stressed that the Hans working in Tibet should consider Tibet as their own home,understand the conditions there,unite with the Tibetan people,work hard and fight against the enemy together.
❍ 茫茫荒原搭篷帐,~心欢畅。(张天民《创业》109) We set up tents on the wasteland,| Making happy homes everywhere.
❍ 且夫天子以~,非壮丽无以重威,且无令后世有以加也。(《史记·高祖本纪》386) A true Son of Heaven takes the whole world within the four seas to be his family. If he does not dwell in magnificence and beauty,he will have no way to manifest his authority,nor will he leave any foundation for his heirs to build upon.
❍ 到处流浪,~。(杨沫《青春之歌》40) I may wander from place to place. The whole world is my home now.

四海为家sì hǎi wéi jiā

四海:指天下,全国各地。原指占有天下,统治全国;现多指到处都可以当作自己的家。make one’s home wherever one is, feel at home wherever one goes, lead a wandering life





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