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单词 light
light2/laɪt/ n & adj;v lit,lit/lɪt/or -ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)光(线),亮光(brightness caused by the sun fire an electric lamp etc which makes it possible to see things)[U]:the~of the sun/the moon/the fire 阳/月/火光;the~of a candle/a lamp烛/灯光;generate an intense beam of~产生一束强光;L~travels very fast. 光速极快。L~streamed into the room/struck on her face. 光线照进房间/照射在她的脸上。dazzling~ 耀眼的光;poor/strong~微弱/强烈的光;in the broad~of day 在光天化日之下;By the~of a torch,he began to read. 他借着火把的光亮开始读书。~pens/waves/years 光笔/光波/光年;
 (2)黎明,白天(daybreak;daytime)[U]:get up before~天不亮就起床;leave before the~fails 在天黑前离开;L~is breaking. 天破晓了。
 (3)光源,(尤指)电灯(anything that produces light esp an electric lamp)[C]:put on/switch on/turn on a~开灯;turn off/out a~关灯;dim the~s 使灯光变暗;turn the~s down/up 把灯光调暗/亮;A~went out/was burning/was flickering一盏灯灭了/亮着/闪烁着。~s are on/off/out 灯亮了/灭了/灭了;a beacon/ceiling/floor/neon/traffic~信标/顶/地/霓虹/交通信号灯;an electric~ 电灯;a backup/reversing~(汽车)倒车灯;go through/stop at a~闯红灯/在交通信号灯前停车;flashlight 闪光灯;手电筒;floodlight 泛光灯;taillight 尾灯;~bulb灯泡;〖同〗lamp;
 (4)(电)引火物(thing for providing a flame)[C]:put a~to the fire/powder 点火/点燃火药;strike a~擦火柴;He came over and begged for a~. 他过来借火。Please give me a~. 请借个火。Do you have a~for my pipe. 能借火点一下我的烟斗吗?
 (5)神情(look or expression on the face suggesting brightnesslivelinessetc)[Ua~]:a mischievous~in her eyes 她眼睛里露出淘气的神情;There was a strange~in his eyes when he spoke. 他说话时眼神显得很奇怪。The~died out of her face. 她脸上的容光消失了。
 (6)启迪,说明,线索(sth that enlightens or informs)[CU]:He gave valuable~s on the matter. 他提供了有关这事的宝贵线索。Now I begin to see~on the matter. 现在我对这事开始有所领悟了。cast/shed/show/throw~on (upon) sth 阐明(使人了解)某事;The public expects~and leading from him. 公众期待他的启迪和指引。
 (7)观点,见解(way of looking at things;view)[C]:view sth in a historic~以历史的眼光看待某事;We have to interpret his words in a modern~. 我们必须以现代的观点去解释他的话。She only saw him in a good/favourable~. 她只看到他好的一面。The matter may be viewed in a different~. 对这事可能有不同的见解。The book is full of new~s on the French Revolution. 这本书对法国大革命的阐述有许多新见解。
 (8)榜样,显赫人物(person looked on as an example;famous person)[C]:one of the shining~s of our age/leading~s in the field of medicine 我们时代的光辉榜样/医学领域的显赫人物之一;the leading~s of diplomacy 外交界头面人物;literary~s of England 英国文学名家;
 (9)(绘画中的)亮处(brighter part in a painting)[UC,通常sing]:~and shade in a painting 画中的明暗;the high~s 画中最亮之处;
 (10)窗(window or part of a window)[C](尤用于构成合成词):a room with a north~窗子朝北开的房间;sky~天窗;
 according to one's lights 按照自己的见解(能力,信念):do one's best according to one's~s 尽力而为;He is a good father according to his~s, but very strict. 他认为自己是个好父亲,但很严厉。
 at (the) first light 天刚亮:The attack was on at the first~. 天一亮进攻就开始了。
 bring sth to light 暴露:The crime was brought to~years later. 那桩罪行几年之后暴露了。
 by the light of nature 本能地,自然而然地;
 come to light 被人发现,为人所了解:Since the trial,further evidence has come to~. 审判之后又发现了新的证据。
 go out like a light 很快睡着,突然晕倒(infml):After a day's hard work he lay down on the bed and went out like a~. 劳累一天之后,他倒在床上就睡着了。
 hide one's light under a bushel(才能等)不外露:Mr. Smith is an expert in many fields,but most people think he is not very smart because he hides his~under a bushel. 史密斯先生是多方面的专家,但是多数人认为他并不很精明,因为他才能不外露。
 in (the) light of 按照,根据,考虑到:In the~of these changes we must revise our plan. 考虑到这些变化,我们必须修改计划。
 see the light (of day) 1)出生:The children visited the old house where their great-grandfather first saw the~of day. 孩子们参观了他们的曾祖父出生的老房子。2)出版,发表:The author died before his book had seen the~. 作者在他的著作出版之前就去世了。
 stand in the/sb's light 挡亮:Please move a little further,you're standing in my~. 请挪开一点儿,你挡住我的光线了。
 →′lighthouse n 灯塔;lightless adj 无光的;暗的;′lighten v 照亮;发(变)亮;′lightship n 灯塔船;headlight(汽车)前灯;
 adj (1)明亮的(bright;not dark):a~room 明亮的房间;His room is~and airy. 他的房间又明亮又通风。She opened the door wide so that the room was~er. 她把门大敞开,屋里就亮多了。By the time we had finished,the sky was already~. 我们完工的时候天已经亮了。It's getting~. 天渐渐亮了。〖反〗dark;
 (2)浅色的((of colour)pale):~blue/green/yellow 浅蓝/绿/黄;a~gray suit 一套浅灰色西装;〖反〗dark;
 (3)浅白的((of hairskin)pale;nearer to white):~complexion 白皙的皮肤;~hair 灰白的头发;
 →′light-coloured adj 浅色的;
 v (1)点燃(set fire to;cause to burn)[IT+nT+n+prep]:The match is wet and won't~. 这根火柴湿了,点不着。Wet wood doesn't~easily. 湿柴不易点燃。~a cigarette/a candle (with a match/lighter)(用火柴/打火机)点燃香烟/蜡烛;~a fire/a stove 生火/炉子;〖反〗extinguish;
 (2)照亮(明)(provide light for)[T+nT+n+prep]:One large lamp~ed the room. 一盏大灯照亮了房间。The lobby is brightly/brilliantly/poorly lit. 大厅灯光明亮/灯火辉煌/灯光昏暗。Our streets are lit by electricity. 我们的街道用电照明。
 (3)用灯光指引(signal or guide with lights)[T+n+prep]:The beacon lit the plane to a safe landing/the ship into the harbor.信标引导飞机安全着陆/轮船进港。~one's way with a pine torch/an electric torch 用松枝火把/手电照路;
 light up (v adv) 1)点烟(vt & vi):~up a pipe/cigar 点燃烟斗/雪茄;He~ed up before speaking. 讲话前他点着了烟。2)照亮(vt):The fire lit up her face. 火光照亮了她的脸。3)(使)容光焕发(vt & vi):Joy/A smile of triumph lit up her face. 她脸上喜气洋洋的/露出胜利的微笑。His face lit up when he saw her.他见到她时面露喜色。4)亮起来(vi):The neon signs lit up. 霓虹灯亮起来了。5)开路(车)灯(vi):It's getting dark—time to~up. 天黑了,该开灯了。
 →′lighter n 打火机;′lighting n 照明(设备);点火;光线;′lightening n 闪电;adj 突然的;
 【用法】lighted和lit都可用作light的过去时和过去分词。通常lighted作定语形容词,如:a lighted candle(点燃的蜡烛)。而lit通常用在复合词里,如:a moonlit sky(月光明亮的天空),starlit(星光照耀的)。





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