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(声音大) noisy: 锣鼓 ~ 天 a deafening sound of gongs and drums
◆喧宾夺主 The wrangling guest robs the place of the host.; a gate-crasher supplanting the host; a minor issue taking precedence over a major one; A presumptuous guest usurps the host's role.; garrulous [clamour ̄ing; aggressive] guests putting the host in the shade; overshadow the leading role (of sb.); The sauce is better than the fish.; The secondary supersedes the primary.; 喧哗 confused noise; hubbub; uproar; tumult; make a lot of noise; 喧闹 noise and excitement; bustle; racket; rag; whoop-de- do(o); 喧嚷 clamour; hubbub; din; racket; 喧扰 noise and disturbance; tumult; 喧腾 noise and excitement; hubbub; uproar; 喧天 make a deafening sound; 喧天震地 a clamor that upsets the heaven and shakes the earth; a great ovation; 喧阗 [书] bustling and crowded; 喧嚣 noisy; clamour; hullabaloo; din; 喧嚣不已 clamour without stopping; an incessant vociferation; repeated outcry; The clamour is incessant.; 喧嚣鼓噪 make outcries; make a clamour; stir up a commotion; 喧嚣一时 kick up a terrific racket for a while; bluster for a time; make a din for a time; raise a hue and cry; sound noisy enough; 喧喧嚷嚷 make much noise; make a din; noisily





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