释义 |
喜逐颜开xǐ zhú yán kāione’s face lights up in a smile ❍ 学道道:“有理,有理。”忙把已取的十几卷取了,对一对号簿,头一卷就是荀玫,学道看罢,不觉~,一天愁都没有了。(《儒林外史》91)“Quite right! Quite right!”said the commissioner. Hastily checking through the entries,he found that the first name on the list was Xun Mei; and his face lit up in a smile as the anxiety he had felt all day vanished. 喜逐颜开xǐ zhú yán kāi义同“笑逐颜开”。same as“笑逐颜开”。 |