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单词 喜怒无常

喜怒无常xǐ nù wú cháng

capricious,moody;one’s temper is unpredictable (/erratic); subject to changing moods
❍ 宝玉和黛玉是从小儿一处长大的,他兄妹间多有不避嫌疑之处, 嘲笑不忌,~; …… (《红楼梦》315) “Baoyu and Daiyu grew up under one roof.” she reflected. “They’re so free and easy togethesr. they don’t care how they tease each other or show their feelings.”/在光绪年间. 她的脾气更加~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》9) During Guang Xu’s reign (1874-1908)her temper became even more unpredictable.
❍ 因为他近来~,而发怒的时候更多,所以这三个大臣看了他的脸色,都不觉脊背发凉,赶快在他的面前跪下。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—37) Since the emperor’s temper had been so erratic of late,the three ministers frightened by his stern look hastily knelt before him.

喜怒无常xǐ nù wú chánɡ

无常:变化不定。一会儿高兴,一会儿愤怒,变化不定。形容人的性情多变,使人捉摸不透。subject to changing moods, of moods, capricious

喜怒无常xǐ nù wú cháng

subject tochanging moods





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