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单词 喜怒哀乐

喜怒哀乐xǐ nù āi lè

happiness,anger,grief and joy-the gamut of human feeling
❍ 自然,“~,人之情也”,然而穷人决无交易所折本的懊恼,煤油大王那会知道北京检煤渣老婆子身受的酸辛,饥区的灾民,大约总不去种兰花,象阔人的老大爷一样,贾府上的焦大,也不爱林妹妹的。(鲁迅《二心集·“硬译”与“文学的阶级性”》15) Of course,it is human nature to know joy and anger,but the poor are never worried because they lost money on the stock exchange,and an oil magnate cannot know the trials of an old woman collecting cinders in Beijing. Victims of famine will hardly grow orchids like rich old gentlemen,nor will Jiao Da in the Jia family fall in love with Miss Lin.
❍ 例如都有~,都有恋爱(但所“说的是恋爱的本身,不是恋爱的方式”),“文学就是表现这最基本的人性的艺术。”这些话是矛盾而空虚的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—83) For instance,both know joy and anger,both know love (here we speak of“love itself,not of modes of loving”). “Literature is the art which expresses this most basic human nature.” These remarks are contradictory and meaning less.
❍ 我以为两人的遭遇的所以不同,其原因乃在高尔基先前的理想,后来都成为事实,他的本身,就是大众的一体,~,无不相通,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—214)I think the reason for the difference in their fates was that all Gorky’s dreams had come true and he identified himself with the common people,sharing their joy and anger,their pleasures and sorrow.
❍ 况且那些不过是愚民,那~,也决没有智者推想的那么精微的。(鲁迅《故事新编·理水》42) In any case,the people are simpletons whose pleasure and anger,pain and joy are by no means as subtle as the fancies of the wise.


happiness,anger,grief and joy—the whole gamut of feeling

喜怒哀乐xǐ nù āi lè

指喜悦、愤怒、悲哀、欢乐。泛指人的各种感情、情绪。joy, anger, grief and happiness; joy, anger, sorrow and happiness; the gamut of human feeling





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