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单词 lift
lift/lɪft/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n

v (1)举(提,抬)起,提高(move or raise to a higher placelevel or position)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv(up),I ]:~(up)one's head/one's arm/one's hand 抬头/举臂/举手;~weights 举重;~one's voice/one's eyebrows 提高嗓门/扬起眉毛;The crane~s several tons at a time. 起重机一次吊起数吨重的重物。~a pan by the handle 握住把手把平底锅端起来;~a pail of water from the ground 把一桶水从地上提起来;~one's glass to the health of sb 举杯祝某人身体健康;~off one's hat 脱帽;~up a table/a box 抬起一张桌子/一个箱子;~up one's ears 竖起耳朵仔细听;~up a cry 高声大叫;The tower~s its pinnacles skyward. 塔的尖顶高耸入云。The window will not~. 这扇窗户提不起来。〖同〗raise;〖反〗lower;

(2)提(抬)起以便移动或放置(pick up and move or set)[T+n+prep]:~a parcel down the shelf 把包裹从架子上拿下来;~a child into one's arms 把孩子抱起来;~packages onto the counter 把包裹提起放到柜台上;The crane~ed goods into the hold/out of a train. 起重机把货物吊装进货舱/从火车上卸下来;

(3)提升(高),鼓舞(raise in rankconditionesteemspiritsetc)[T+nT+n+prepI]:The good news~ed our spirits. 那好消息使我们精神振奋。be~ed up in spirit 精神受到鼓舞;~a person from poverty 使某人摆脱贫困;~an anxiety from sb 使某人不再焦虑;~a load from sb's mind 使某人了却一桩心事;He was rapidly~ed into power. 他被快速提升。That discovery~ed him to world fame. 那一发现使他举世闻名。Their spirits~ed when help came. 有人来帮忙,他们的情绪振奋起来。His heart~ed at the sight of her. 一见到她,他的心情顿时愉快起来。

(4)消散(rise and disappear in the air)[I]:The mist/fog/darkness is~ing. 薄雾正在消散/雾正在消散/黑暗正在消失。The clouds~ed. 云散了。With the rain,the smog~ed from the city. 下过雨,城市上空的烟雾消散了。〖同〗disperse;

(5)停止,取消,解除(put an end to;remove)[T+n]:~a blockade/a siege 解除封锁/包围;~the ban on .../sanctions against ... 解除对……的禁令/制裁;~an embargo/a curfew 解除禁运/宵禁;〖同〗cancel;

(6)挖出,拔(dig up or remove plants from the soil)[T+n]:~potatoes/turnips挖出土豆/拔萝卜;

(7)偷(剽)窃(steal;copy from sth already published)[T+nT+n+prep(from)](infml):Someone~ed his wallet on the bus. 有人在公共汽车上偷了他的钱包。~things/goods from a store/supermarket 从商店/超级市场偷东西/商品;~a passage from a book 从书中剽窃一段文字;The author~ed the paragraph from someone else's work. 那个作者从别人的作品中抄袭了这段文字。

lift a finger/a hand to do sth 稍干点活儿,给予帮助(常用于neg)(infml):We all worked hard except Jim. He wouldn't~a finger. 除了吉姆以外我们干得都很起劲,他什么也不干。

lift off (v adv)(火箭等)升空(vi):The rocket~ed off from the launching pad. 火箭从发射架腾空而起。

→′lift-off n 升空;

n (1)举(提,抬)起(的高度)(act of lifting or being lifted;distance a thing is lifted)[Ua~]:a~of one's eyebrows 扬一扬眉毛;a sudden~in one's voice 嗓门突然提高;give a little boy a~so he can see what is happening 把小男孩抱起来让他看清发生了什么事;walk with the proud~of one's head 昂首阔步;The weight-lifter made a~of more than two hundred kilos. 举重运动员举起了200多公斤的重量。The canal lock has a~of ten feet. 运河的船闸能使水位升高10英尺。

(2)电梯(device for raising or lowering persons or things from one floor or level to another)[C](=AmE elevator):operate a~开电梯;take a~to the tenth floor 乘电梯到11楼(AmE 10楼); go up (down) in a/by~乘电梯上去(下来); Is the~going up or down? 电梯是上去还是下来?

(3)搭便车(free ride in sb's caretc)[C]:give/offer sb a~to the next town让某人搭自己的车到下一个城镇;thumb a~(竖起拇指向司机打手势)要求搭车;We got a~part of the way in a lorry. 我们有一段路搭乘了卡车。

(4)鼓舞,振奋精神(rise in spirits or mood;elevated feeling)[Ua~]:Take a brandy;it may give you a~. 喝一杯白兰地吧,它会给你提提神。The boss's praise gave the staff a~. 老板的表扬鼓舞了全体职员。

→′lift-attendant,′liftboy,′liftman n 开电梯的人





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