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单词 喋喋不休

喋喋不休dié dié bù xiū

babble away (/on);be long-winded; cackle; chatter away (/like a magpie/without stop); chipper; clack; din sth into sb’s ears; gabble; be garrulous; glibly; jabber; keep harping on; keep on clamouring;keep talking about;be loquacious; nag; rattle (/patter) on (/away/along/about/off); run off at the mouth; talk a blue streak; be talkative; talk one’s head off; talk endlessly (/incessantly); talk (/speak/go/run/wag) thirteen (/nineteen) to the dozen; wag one’s jaw (/tongue)
❍ 那人~地讲个没完。The fellow babbled on and would not hold his tongue.
❍ 他在发言中~地谈论“自由”。He talked glibly about “freedom”in his speech.


talk endlessly;chatter away;rattle on

喋喋不休dié dié bù xiū

喋喋:说话多。指唠唠叨叨,说个不停。chatter away, repeat endlessly, wag one’s jaw, babble, run on, gabble, glibly, way one’s tongue, keep on clamouring





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