释义 |
喊hǎn ❶ (大声叫) shout;cry out;yell: ~ 救命 cry “Help! Help!”;~ 口号 shout slogans; 不要对我大 ~ 大叫。 Don't shout at me. ❷ (叫) call (a person): 你走以前 ~ 他一声。 Give him a shout before you go. 我在后面 ~ 你,但是你没有听到。 I called after you,but you did not hear. ◆喊高价者 runner-up; 喊话 propaganda directed to the enemy at the front line;communicate by tele-equipment; 喊话器 megaphone; 喊价逐步减低的拍卖 Dutch auction; 喊叫 shout;cry out;yip; 喊破嗓门儿 rave oneself hoarse; 喊杀连天 The battle-cry reached the heaven.; 喊声 yell;hubbub; 喊声连天 Screams pierce the sky.; 喊声震天 make the welkin ring [roar];rend the welkin; 喊冤叫屈 complain loudly about an alleged injustice;cry out about one's grievances;cry out for justice;demand justice loudly;shout out one's grievance in streets or in court |