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单词 life
life/laɪf/ n lives/laɪvz/]

(1)生命(quality which animals and plants have when they are not dead and which objects and substances don't have)[U]:sb's last hours of~某人生命的最后几小时;~and death 生与死;the origin of~生命的起源;How did~begin? 生命是怎样起源的? 〖反〗death;

(2)生命(物)(living things collectively)[U]:animal and plant~动植物;marine~海洋生物;a reserve for the preservation of wild~野生动物保护区;No~has been found on the moon. 月球上还没有发现生命。There are many forms of~on earth. 地球上有多种生命形式。

(3)生命(存)(state of living)[U]:bring/restore sb to~使某人复活;come to~苏醒过来;L~depends on air,food and water. 生命取决于空气、食物和水。the~cycle of the plant 植物的生命周期;

(4)性命,生命(living person)[C]:prolong/save sb's~延长/挽救某人的生命;lay down/give/sacrifice one's~for one's country 为国捐躯;lose one's~in an accident 在事故中丧生;risk one's~冒生命危险;take one's own~自杀;Many lives were lost in the earthquake. 许多人在地震中丧生。The traffic accident claimed 15 lives. 那次交通事故中有15人死亡。A cat has nine lives.(prov) 猫有九命。

(5)生活(涯)(general course of human existence)[U]:begin~as a clerk 开始职员的生涯;enter business/political~开始经商/政治生涯;campus/college/university/city/country~ 校园/大学/大学/城市/乡村生活;one's daily/married/family/home~日常/婚后/家庭/家庭生活;sb's private~某人的私生活;in actual~在现实生活中;He has too little social~. 他的社交生活太少。In a large city,~moves with a rush. 大城市的生活节奏很快。

(6)生活方式 (way of living) [C]: lead/live a busy (colourful/difficult/hard/frugal/full/happy/healthy/lonely/miserable/normal/peaceful/simple/solitary)~过忙碌(丰富多彩/艰难/艰难/节俭/充实/幸福/健康/孤独/苦难/正常/安宁/简朴/孤独)的生活; an easy~ 舒适的生活;start a new~开始一种新的生活;

(7)世事,活动(activities of the world;movement)[U]:see much/little of~见过不少/没见过世面;What's the night~like there? 那里的夜生活怎么样? There isn't much~in a small country village. 小乡村里没有多少社交活动。

(8)一生;有生以来(length of time between birth and death or from birth to the present time)[C]:spend one's early/adult~on a farm 早年/成年在农场度过;spend the rest of one's~abroad 到国外去度余生;devote one's whole~to the study of science 一生献身于科学研究;a short/transitory~短暂的一生;He was a coward all his~. 他一生胆小怕事。His~has been one of great accomplishment. 他的一生成就巨大。He has never been so tongue-tied in his~. 他有生以来还从未如此张口结舌。He has lived most of his~in the country. 他在乡下生活了大半辈子。early/late in~早/晚年;in the prime of~正年富力强;

(9)终身(length of time between the present and death)[U]:be imprisoned for~被终身监禁;a friend/job/membership for~终身的朋友/工作/会员资格;be sentenced to~imprisonment 被判终身监禁;As a result of that accident he was crippled for~. 那次事故使他终身残疾。

(10)生气,活力,劲头(liveliness;animation;spirit)[U]:full of~充满活力,生气勃勃;breathe/put~into a painting/a statue 使一幅画/一尊塑像栩栩如生;The portrait was drawn to~. 这幅像画得维妙维肖。put more~into one's work 工作得更起劲;She was tired,and spoke without~. 她累了,说起话来没精打采。〖同〗vitality;

(11)实物,真人模特儿(living models)[U]:still~静物写生;a class in~人体写生课;a portrait taken from(the)~人物写生画;This was painted from~,not from a photograph. 这是根据实物,而不是根据照片画的。

(12)传记(story of sb's life;biography)[C]:He has written a~of Churchill. 他写了一部丘吉尔传。He is reading the~of Napoleon. 他在读拿破仑传。

(13)寿命,活跃期(length of time during which sth continues or is active)[C]:lengthen the~of a machine/an electric bulb 延长机器/电灯泡的使用寿命;This washing machine should have a(working)~of at least 10 years. 这台洗衣机的寿命至少应有10年。the~of a government 一届政府的执政期;a long-~battery 长效电池;~expectancy 预期寿命;~insurance 人寿保险;

between life and death 生命垂危:The little sick boy lay all night between~and death. 那个生病的小男孩整夜生命垂危。

for dear/one'e life 拼命地:He ran for dear~. 他拼命地跑。

for the life of one 无论怎样努力 (infml):I cannot for the~of me remember where I met her. 我怎么也想不起来是在哪儿见过她。

not on your life决不(infml):Do you think I am going to trust a person like him? Not on your~. 你认为我会信任他那样的人吗? 决不会的。

take one's life in one's hands 冒生命危险:Driving that car with those worn tires would be taking your~in your hands. 开那辆轮胎都破了的车会非常危险。

true to life 逼真,栩栩如生:This book is true to~. 这本书写得非常真实。

→͵life-and/or-′death adj 生死攸关的;′lifebelt n 救生带;′lifebuoy n 救生圈;′lifeblood n 生命力(线);元气;′lifeboat n 救生艇;′lifeguard n 救生员;′life-jacket n 救生衣;′lifelike adj 逼真的,栩栩如生的;′lifeless adj 无生命(气)的;′lifelessly adv 死气沉沉地;′lifeline n 救生索;生命线;′lifelong adj 毕生的;终身的;′life-pre′server n 救生衣;′lifer n 无期囚犯;′life-raft n 救生筏;′life-size(d) adj 与实物大小一样的;′life-span n 寿命;有效期;′life-style n 生活方式;′lifetime n 一生,终身;life-′work=͵life's ′work n 毕生的事业





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