释义 |
善男信女shàn nán xìn nǚdevout men and women;devotees to Buddha; faithful believers,male or female ❍ 若有~虔心供奉者,可以永保儿孙康宁,再无撞客邪祟之灾。(《红楼梦》291) If faithful believers worship him devoutly,their descendants are assured of peace and health and no evil spirits can get possession of them. ❍ 大殿前本来有一个一人高的铸铁炉,如今又在前院正中地上用青砖筑一池子,让成千成万来看和尚自焚的~不进入二门就可以焚化香表。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—751)A huge cast-iron incense burner,higher than a man,stood before the main hall,and in the middle of the courtyard was a brick reservoir,to enable the pious watchers to make their offerings outside the inner gate. 善男信女shan nan xin nü【佛教】religious believers 善男信女religious believers; devout men and women 善男信女shàn nán xìn nǚ佛教用语。指信奉佛教的人。devoted men and women, faithful believers |