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单词 啧啧称羡

啧啧称羡啧啧称美;啧啧称赞;啧啧叹赏zé zé chēng xiàn

be loud (/profuse) in one’s praise;click the tongue in admiration; praise highly
❍ 听说前几时还开过一个展览会,参观者都‘啧啧称美”,—不过好象这边就要动兵了。(鲁迅《故事新编》48) Some time ago,apparently,they held an exhibition. All who saw it were loud in their praise—but it looks as if they’re preparing here for a war.
❍ 老通宝虽未目睹,却曾听得那爱管闲事的黄道士~。(《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—332)Though he himself had not seen the pump in oper ation,Huang the Priest,who loved to poke his nose into other people’s business,had praised it highly.
❍ 这刚离部队的教导员,几乎不相信这就是老周所啧啧称赞而使他兴奋的英雄人物。(知侠《铁道游击队》89) Could these possibly be the heroes who had won such praise from Zhou and awakened so much admiration in him?The political instructor who had just left his well disciplined fighters could hardly believe his eyes.





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