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单词 lick
lick/lɪk/ v & n

v (1)舔(吃)(move the tongue over sb or sth in order to eatcomfortrelieve painetc)[T+nC+n+adj]:The cat/dog~ed its wound/her hand. 猫/狗舔它的伤口/她的手。He~ed the stamp and stuck it on the envelope. 他把邮票舔了舔贴在信封上。The little boy~ed the cream off. 小男孩舔掉了奶油。The cat~ed up the milk.猫舔光了牛奶。The little girl~ed the jam off her lips. 那小女孩舔掉嘴唇上的果酱。The cat~ed the saucer clean. 猫把盘子舔干净了。

(2)(火苗)卷过,(波浪)轻拍((of flames or waves)touch sth lightly)[T+nI]:The flames of the fire~ed the wooden walls and climbed up them to the roof. 火苗卷过木墙燃到屋顶。The flames~ed up the dry grass. 火焰把干草烧光。The surf was~ing at the seawall. 海浪拍打着防波堤。

(3)揍,打败(beat with blows;defeat)[T+n](sl):The father~ed the boy for lying. 因男孩说谎父亲把他揍了一顿。Our team~ed theirs easily. 我们队轻而易举把他们队打败了。be~ed by difficulty 被困难吓倒;

lick into shape 使像样,训练好(infml):If you'll give me the rough draft of your article I'll~it into shape for you. 如果你愿意把文章的草稿给我,我会把它修改得像个样子。The recruits were soon~ed into shape by the sergeant. 新兵不久便被中士训练得像样儿了。

lick sb's boots阿谀奉承(infml):A wise king would not want his friends and officials to~his boots. 明智的国王不会要朋友和官员对自己阿谀奉承。

lick one's lips/chops馋涎欲滴(想好事)(infml):The little boy is~ing his lips about the steak dinner tonight. 那小男孩对今晚的牛排晚餐馋涎欲滴。

lick sth from/off sth 舔掉:~the jam off the bread 舔掉面包上的果酱;

n (1)舔(act of licking)[C]:have a~of one's lollipop 舔一口棒糖;give the stamp a~ 舔一下邮票(弄湿背面的胶水);give the ice-cream cone a big~. 舔一大口蛋卷冰激凌; a~at the bowl 舔一下碗;

(2)少量(small quantity)[Ua~]:a~of butter 少量的黄油;put on a~of paint 涂上薄薄一层漆;He was too lazy to do even a~of work. 他懒得一点儿工作也不做。

(3)速度(speed)[Ua~]:(sl):run down the hill at a fair/great~飞快地跑下山;The boat came down the river at full~. 船在河里飞快地顺流而下。

a lick and a promise 马马虎虎地洗刷,敷衍(infml):give the floor a~and a promise 马马虎虎地擦洗地板;He gives his job little more than a~and a promise. 他对工作只是敷衍了事。

→′licking n 惨败;揍一顿





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